[WIP] [center][img]http://40.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m9qwz3h03R1qeijvdo1_500.png[/img][/center] [Center][h1][b][color=aqua]House Velaryon[/color][/b][/h1][/center] [center][b][color=aqua]House Words:[/color][/b] The Old, the True, the Brave[/center] [center][img]http://i43.tinypic.com/23k1xyp.jpg[/img][/center] [b][color=aqua]Green or Black:[/color][/b] Blacks [b][color=aqua]Recent History:[/color][/b] The Velaryons are an ancient and proud house, possessing the blood and ancestry of Old Valyria. During the height of Valyria, it can be assumed that the Velaryons were an insignificant noble house, given that the Targaryens were already the least powerful of the Dragonlords of Valyria. As such, they were already established on Driftmark long before the Targaryens fled to Dragonstone, allegedly after they concluded a pact with the Merling King whom gave them the Driftwood Throne. Notable settlements includes the castles of Driftmark and High Tide, and the cities of Hull and Spice Town, though Spice Town was completely destroyed and High Tide was considerably damaged during the Dance. The head of House Velaryon traditionally holds the titles of Lord of the Tides and Master of Driftmark. Since the Targaryens' arrival to Dragonstone, the Velaryons have been loyal vassals and the staunchest of allies, often inter-marrying with each other and holding high positions of counsel, usually that of master of ships. Due to Driftmark being the largest island in Blackwater Bay, it has positioned House Velaryon as one of the strongest naval and merchantile powers in the Narrow Sea. Their coffers would overflow with the gold gained by facilitating trade from Essos into Westeros and their navy soon rivaled that of the Ironborn's to further assist in their trade efforts and to directly combat the threat of piracy that always seemed to be ever present within the Stepstones. If the Targaryens were the terrors of the skies with their dragons, then the Velaryons commanded the same amount of dominance on the seas with their ships. Upon the start of the War of Conquest, the strong relationship between the two houses could be seen, with Valaena Velaryon as the mother of Aegon, Rhaenys, and Visenya, including Velaryones serving as the first few masters of ships, as well as Ser Corlys Velaryon becoming the first Lord Commander of the Kingsguard. This bond would only strengthen throughout the years, reaching its eventual height under Lord Corlys the Sea Snake. When the Dance of the Dragons began, it was hardly to anyone's surprise that House Velaryon sided with the blacks, since Princess Rhaenyra had been married to Laenor Velaryon prior to his death, and Lord Corlys was married to Princess Rhaenys Targaryon. House Velaryon made up nearly the entirety of the blacks' naval force and the majority of the blacks' army from Blackwater Bay carried a seahorse on their banners. All of this was further bolstered by the Velaryons' legendary wealth and prestige. It was certainly fortunate that the aging Lord Corlys overcame a brief illness to throw his lot in with the blacks, because it was surely his name alone that further solidified the legitimacy of Princess Rhaenyra's claim based on his acquired riches and legend. Regardless, his skill as a diplomat probably saw no equal and he was the driving force that largely held the blacks together. Early in the war, Lord Corlys had his immense fleets launched from Spice Town and Hull to blockade King's Landing, essentially crippling all trade from Essos to the capital. This would prove to be shortlived, however, with the blockade eventually broken, with Spice Town completely devastated, High Tide sacked, and a significant portion of the Velaryon fleet sank. As such, the Battle in the Gullet, forced a heavy price upon Lord Corlys and House Velaryon. Additionally, due to Princess Rhaenyra's failure to provide adequate support for the Battle of Rook's Rest resulted in the death of Princess Rhaenys, Lord Corlys was on the verge of leaving the war before he was brought back into the fold after being made Hand of the Queen. It was determined early in the war that the blacks had access to many dragons, but few dragon riders, so the dragonseeds were recruited to attempt to tame these rogue dragons in both Driftmark and Dragonstone. Among these dragonseeds were Addam of Hull, and his brother Alyn, both reputedly bastard sons of Laenor Valaryon, but it was rumored that their true father was Lord Corlys. Their mother had been a daughter of a shipwright, which happened to be the same shipyards that Lord Corlys had spent a large amount of time at prior to both of their births. Keeping his distance from them was probably the best way to avoid the ire of his wife, whom was well known for her fiery temper. Addam would prove sucessful in taming his dragon, Seasmoke, and raised to knighthood to join in the war effort. Alyn would prove less fortunate in his attempt to ride Sheepstealer who coated his back and legs with dragonfire, and would have assuredly killed him if Addam hadn't come to his rescue. These burns would scar Alyn for the rest of his life. With the realization that House Velaryon was lacking heirs, Lord Corlys petitioned Rhaenyra to remove the stain of bastardry from both Addam and Alyn, formally making them heirs to Driftmark. She accepted but would soon be shaken by the action of the Two Betrayers. Following the betrayal, many, including Rhaenyra, suspected both the boys of treachery. Despite Lord Corlys speaking on their behalf, Rhaenyra was certain that neither one could be trusted. With Alyn safe back at Driftmark, Lord Corlys had Addam flee before he could be arrested, resulting in the Second Battle of Tumbleton where Addam bravely sacrificed his life to defeat the enemies of Rhaenyra. However, because of his actions against the Queen, Corlys was thrown in the dungeons, which caused all the Velaryon banners and navy to desert the blacks and return to Driftmark. Upon the conclusion of the war, Lord Corlys would be pardoned by King Aegon II, and reappointed to the small council. King Aegon II's decision to execute Princess Rhaenyra would only prove to label him as a kinslayer and increase the animonsity against him throughout the realm. With the Stark bannerman finally making their approach towards King's Landing, Lord Corlys would advise King Aegon II to take the black, but the foolish king seemed resolute to exterminate Rhaenyra's line should the northmen capture King's Landing. Soon after, the king would be found dead, from poisoned wine. Despite Lord Corlys sending ravens declaring surrender and peace, the city would still be taken by the Starks, who were very much disgusted by the poisoning of the king due to the dishonorable nature of it. Lord Stark would then forcibly assume the office of Hand of the King to oversee the arrests and executions. Lord Corlys was one of the many arrested, and despite an attempted intervention by Princess Baela and Rhaena, he was still forced to face trial, and without any real evidence, the murder seemed to be placed on his and House Velaryon's shoulders. Well aware that his health was already failing, he chose death over taking the black. Due to his reputation and fame, the Sea Snake's execution only created further devisiveness throughout the kingdoms. The Velaryon bannermen and navy, who had came back under the crown after Corlys' pardon, once again departed from King's Landing. With Ser Daeron Velaryon at their head, and keeping with Corlys' wishes, Alyn was soon declared the new lord of Driftmark. Currently, House Velaryon has been left in a precarious state. A large amount of their wealth has been spent or destroyed in the disastrous war, as well as thousands dead, and notable settlements looted and destroyed. Of the princely Velaryons (Jacaerys, Lucerys and Joffrey) none remain. Neither did Vaemond Velaryon who was executed for his attempt to sieze Driftmark for himself. His sons and brothers that tried the same ended with similar fates. This leaves few other than the new Lord Alyn Velaryon, as well as his cousin Ser Daeron Velaryon and his daughter Daenaera. [b][color=aqua]Family Members:[/color][/b] [List] [*][b]Lord Alyn Velaryon[/b], former bastard of Laenor Velaryon, and now the new Lord of Driftmark, 16[/List][indent][list] [*][b]Ser Daeron Velaryon[/b], a knight, cousin to Alyn, recently named Castellan of Driftmark, 35 [*][b]Daenaera Velaryon[/b], daughter of Daeron, 4 [*][b]Maester Gaemon[/b], maester of Driftmark, managed to somehow survive the sacking of High Tide, 51 [*][b]Septon Aenar[/b], septon of the court sept in Driftmark, 40 [*][b]Ser Maelys Crookjaw[/b], the master-at-arms of Driftmark, known for his ever present grimace and harsh drilling of soldiers, 36 [/List][/indent] [b][color=aqua]Deceased:[/color][/b] [list] [*][b]Lord Corlys Velaryon[/b], called the Sea Snake, and known for his many exploits in his youth, executed under suspicion of regicide, 78 at death [*][b]Laenor Velaryon[/b], Corlys' son, slain over a quarrel with his friend Qarl Correy in 120 AC, 26 at death [*][b]Laena Velaryon[/b], daughter of Corlys and wife to Daemon Targaryen, died of childbirth in 120 AC, 27 at death [*][b]Jacaerys, Lucerys, and Joffrey[/b] Laenor and Rhaenyra's sons, perished during the Dance, 15, 14, and 13 at deaths [*][b]Ser Addam Velaryon[/b], son of Laenor, brother of Alyn, dragonrider, died at the Second Battle of Tumbleton, 16 at death[/list] [hider=Lord Alyn Velaryon] [B]Name:[/B] Alyn Velaryon [B]Age:[/B] 16 [B]Appearance:[/B] [img]http://tinyurl.com/nrwalyn[/img] [B]Description:[/B] [/hider]