[@Lugubrious] [@VitavitaAR] [@Flamelord] Hearing a voice answer his question Ed looked around unable to find whomever just talked because of the hat covering her head. Before he could ask the girl about the voice she told him to follow her. Turning to face Filia he saw something weird about her hair as she took off running. "Hey! Get back here!" Ed took off running after her. Ed followed Filia the best that he could and watched her pull herself into a train car. He pushed himself as the train started to leave and jump on at the last second. Facing Filia again he say that see was already asleep. Ed slowly walked to her side and looked at the back of her head to confirm what he saw. [i]Just as I thought. Her hair has a mouth in it.[/i] Walking to the other side he sat down tried to get some sleep but could push all of the things that happened to him or what that girl might be out of his head. [h2]The Next Day[/h2] Ed was woken from his sleep from a hard jarring from the train as it traveled down the tracks. Getting up and rubbing the back of his neck he noticed Filia was nowhere to be seen. Leaning his head out of the train he saw the world was now made of different kinds off food and Filia on top of a giant stack of pancakes. [i]I haven't even been here a day and this place has broken some many laws of alchemy and physics I don't know where to start. I need to get to that girl. Maybe she can answer some of my questions about this place and her hair.[/i] Looking ahead he spotted a giant pile of ice cream and jumped into it. Landing with a squish in the dessert Ed made his way onto to the candy cane ground careful not to get anymore ice cream on him then necessary. He started running towards where he saw her eating. As he got closer he saw a giant taco creature rampaging about and what looked liked Filia running around a corner. Seeing she needed help ed put his hands together into a circle and placed them on the candy cane ground. Lightning came from the ground as it started to recede. Ed used the Carbohydrates of the sugar and hardened the carbon to form a makeshift sword. The sword Ed made was mostly white with a red line going down the middle of the blade and red swirls on the hilt with a red skull on it. Continuing hes pursuit of the taco creature Ed ran up to it and jumped at it from behind. Sticking his sword into his green pepper tail he held on as it kept charging.