Rebecca looked up from her tower of pancakes, baffled at the scene unfolding in front of her. She had little time to react before one, then both of the boys had stormed off, one in hot pursuit of the other. [i]Wow. That red-eyed - Albino? - guy is most definitely entirely new to the Home, and already so abrasive? Wonder how long before he ends up in infirmary...[/i] she thought as she munched on, wiping a trickle of syrup from the corner of her mouth. [i]Then again, I guess developing that kind of superiority complex is easy when you're so much more... powerful than everyone else. Good God, they should try appreciating the little things. Like these pancakes...[/i] As she finished her breakfast, Rebecca looked around the dining area. People were beginning slowly to trickle out of the mall. Rebecca had heard of a class on power control at the gym. Maybe that's where people were heading? [i]I sure as hell could benefit from a class like that... I've been here for months without getting much better at not having... accidents. It's kind of embarrasing, actually.[/i] Determined, Rebecca decided on her next destination; the gym. After a pretty uneventful short walk, she arrived to find a few people already there. Notably, the white-haired kid from before, along with a man around her own age who she'd seen around. Silas, right? He was on a treadmill, but of course, not the center of attention. The arrogant kid seemed to be messing around with his powers, sending a nearby basketball flying, bouncing off some kind of barrier surronding him, and flying through a hoop. [i]Showoff...[/i] she thought, not convinced this was anything but arrogance. She rolled her eyes at his little show before turning her attention to the other guy. She carefully approached him. "Hey... You're Silas, right?" she said. "You see that kid over there? He's [i]so[/i] arrogant. I kind of want to mess with him a bit." she said, giving a sly smirk.