Vincent took a glance at his cellphone's clock. [quote]2:32 PM[/quote] The flight was supposed to leave two hours ago. Long layover times was something the frequent flyer was used to, but that didn't make them any less unpleasant. Pocketing the phone, he stretched out his legs and looked at the television screen which was running on about a recent incident. There were quite a few people staring at the screen as the disclaimer for gruesome images came up. [b]"This just coming in. There are reports of attacks happening all over the city. They are aggressive and very violent. So far there has been no communication from the people starting these attacks. The following images are a series of pictures captured by our own camera man, Daniel Lebowski during his time off. Be warned, these pictures are extremely graphic, viewer discretion advised."[/b] The photos produced were indeed gruesome. A mob of people attacking and biting other people, but something didn't look right. Vincent let out a breath. [b]"Oh, man."[/b] Zombies. He always dismissed the idea as fantasy, something to toy with in his head for amusement, but to actually see it happen was a bit shocking. He looked around cautiously among the crowd. Sticking around here would be way to dangerous. Airports and other crowded places were terrible places to be for outbreaks of any kind. Vincent casually left his carry on and made his way at a fast pace through an emergency exit tripping the fire alarm. He didn't exactly care as there was no way in hell he'd be caught dead at an airport with something as huge and deadly as this going down. Cities were a terrible place to be too, but at least there would be decent escape routes provided the crowding issue wasn't too bad. He had confidence that his close friends back home would be smart enough to deal with the situation as needed, after all in casual conversation the topic of zombie apocalypse survival plans had come up on occasion. Vincent rushed down the stairs of the fire escape and made his way towards the city proper itself. O'Hare wouldn't be operating for long. He spent some time wandering town, steering clear of crowds of people and buildings when he saw from a short distance a few people go into a bar at varying times. He smirked and chuckled. [b]"Guess I could do with a drink before actually getting out of the city."[/b] He walked up to the building and spotted a group of zombies attacking someone in an alley. He cringed and kept walking. No helping that poor soul. He came up to the door and there was someone already waiting there. A kid. Probably mid-late teens. Vincent decided to ask the obvious question. [b]"Door locked?"[/b] Already, he was having second thoughts about the decision to make a pit stop at a bar for a rest. He glanced over his shoulder nervously. One zombie would be OK to deal with, but a group like the one not far away would be an issue. [@BubbleGumKing]