Name: Sarah Connor Age: 13 Aura Color: Black - Strongest Auric energy and always ready for the unexpected, varied tendencies, though focus on dual sided weapons is common Abilities: ~ Aura Reaper - Able to tear appart a piece of aura for a short period, making them unable yo use this part of their aura. This abbilitie only works if her blade scratches her opponent. ~ Clone Shadows - Able to generate multiple clones of herself, being able to escape or confuse a foe in battle. Armor: Thin kevlar armor formed as a cloak around her body, covering her from head to toe. Appearance (words or pic): [URL=][IMG][/IMG][/URL] Summoned weapon(s): Dual wielded daggers, These daggers can be placed together to create a dual sided dagger. [hider=The dagger] [URL=][IMG][/IMG][/URL] [/hider] Backstory: - I am thinking of a backstory at the moment, can't figure out a good one yet.... Note: Sarah always carries around a stuffed bunny. ~ The first thing I thought about her aura and the description where these abbilities... Please correct me if I got it wrong :) And another question... Although first years are only allowed to carry one weapon, is it allowed to dual wield them? Although the black aura is more into dual sided weapons? ~