[quote=@ShadowRaeper] Name: Sarah Connor Age: 13 Aura Color: Black - Strongest Auric energy and always ready for the unexpected, varied tendencies, though focus on dual sided weapons is common Abilities: ~ Shadow Jump - The abbilitie to teleport next to an ally or foe. ~ Clone Shadows - Able to generate multiple clones of herself, being able to escape or confuse a foe in battle. Armor: Thin kevlar armor formed as a cloak around her body, covering her from head to toe. Appearance (words or pic): [URL=http://media.photobucket.com/user/shiro06/media/anime%20girls/0329292107.jpg.html][IMG]http://i42.photobucket.com/albums/e346/shiro06/anime%20girls/0329292107.jpg[/IMG][/URL] Summoned weapon(s): A dual sided dagger [hider=The dagger] [URL=http://media.photobucket.com/user/Shadow-Wolf-Girl/media/Weapons/daggers.jpg.html][IMG]http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll107/Shadow-Wolf-Girl/Weapons/daggers.jpg[/IMG][/URL] [/hider] Backstory: - I am thinking of a backstory at the moment, can't figure out a good one yet.... Note: Sarah always carries around a stuffed bunny. ~ The first thing I thought about her aura and the description where these abbilities... Please correct me if I got it wrong :) And another question... Although first years are only allowed to carry one weapon, is it allowed to dual wield them? Although the black aura is more into dual sided weapons? ~ [/quote] LIke I said, the Black auras have varied tendencies, so dual wielders aren't uncommon. In fact, some Black auras have dual sided weapons that become two. Also, the teleport ability seems...intense, but I'll allow it if we have a range limit. Otherwise you make Blue characters pointless.