Does this look like a street level or a city level set of attributes? --- Hero Type (Select one): Super-Soldier (Enhanced physical attributes to superhuman levels) Power Level (Select one below): A. Street Level (Ex. Punisher, Daredevil) Powers (Be Specific): Chike injected himself with the recently developed serum by Doctor Saxer. The serum has given him super strength, speed, agility, intelligence, senses, dexterity and a minor healing factor. Attributes (Select one at each category): Strength Level: 4 tons Speed/Reaction Timing Level: 65 MPH Endurance at MAXIMUM Effort: Normal Human Agility: 5X Intelligence: Above Average Fighting Skill: Untrained Resources: Minimal Weaknesses: Until Chike obtains the second half of the super soldier serum from SuperIOR Inc, each injection will only last a few hours depending on how much energy he burns.