[center][h3]Filia – VS Tacodile Supreme[/h3] [@VitavitaAR][@Flamelord][@trevor1001][@Invisible Man][/center] Kyouko and Filia passed within inches of one another as the schoolgirl ran past and the magical girl stepped up. From the back of her head, Samson smirked. If a competitor was actually willing to risk her life to help out, good for her. With a smidgen of annoyance, however, Samson noted that his host had yet to stop running. [b]”Hold up, I wanna see this.”[/b] The crow-black hair whipped around, swiftly coagulating into a humanoid shape behind Filia that set down its own feet and lifted her off the ground. Now full-bodied, Samson crossed his arms, still wearing that fanged sneer of amusement. On the other side, Filia curled up into the fetal position, assuming a vaguely backpack-like shape while making it easier for Samson to move himself, and she pivoted her head to get a better view at the same time. The pair watched, as eager to see the voracious and ferocious Tacodile knocked down a couple of pegs as they were to witness the capabilities of these new folks. Unfortunately, it didn't appear that the salmon-haired boy wanted to be of much use, but the girl unfurled a bladed whip and went to work. Unfortunately, a single, thin cut wouldn't bring down the rampaging Tacodile, and Kyouko barely managed to avoid the beast plowing straight into her. Instead, the massive jaws snapped shut on the Oreo road, ripping a huge chunk out of it. The next instant, a familiar face appeared—the haughty blonde guy Filia rescued from the slimy and malodorous confines of a dumpster just yesterday. When had he followed her? Parasite and host watched, yellow and red eyes wide and intrigued, as Ed leaped onto the monster's tail and buried a blade within the vegetable's verdant skin. Another roar issued from the Tacodile, and it span around, threatening to hurl Ed off into a building and squash Kyouko beneath a red pepper foot. At the same time, another combatant entered the scene: the psychotic masked man from yesterday, who wasted no time in riddling the Tacodile with an SMG, though his bullets of choice were more colorful than they were critical. Filia, meanwhile, spotted something useful. A nearby stop sign appeared to be made of buffalo wings, whose bones would suit a Trichobezoar excellently. Grinning widely at her good luck, she pointed it out to her partner. [b]”Samson! There!”[/b] He understood immediately. With a single bound the parasite closed the distance before he let Filia down, deconstructed his body, and opened his mouth wide enough to crunch down on the entire stop sign. For a few seconds while the battle raged, he chewed with a bestial vigor, mashing meat, bone, and more into a single mass. Filia groaned all the while; Samson's activities weren't doing her intestines any favors. Finally, Samson puffed up, becoming a wad of sentient hair, complete with face and arms, twice as big as Filia herself. His ink-black cheeks bulged, and all at once he disgorged their contents with a cry of [b]”Hairball!”[/b] A boulder-sized ball of bone, hair, and other debris shot from his mouth, straight at the Tacodile. With its focus on Ed and Kyouko, it wasn't aware of the incoming peril until the [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JXdjkTygYyU&t=2m32s]Trichobezoar[/url] tore into its side. Thanks to the monster's slag coating, the hole blasted through its midsection was both extra large and extra painful. Screeching in agonized rage, the Tacodile stumbled, but managed to keep its feet. Samson coughed out a few stray follicles and deflated to his normal size for Filia to turn around and face the threat. Though critically wounded, the beast not only lived still, but now threw itself around more powerfully than ever. Frightened, Filia dropped to the ground, and a fresh crop of Ringlet Spikes burrowed through the Oreo road to erupt beneath the Tacodile and drill into its feet, pinning it in place. “I've got it! Take it down!” [center][b][h3][color=yellow]DIO – Near Hotel California[/color][/h3][/b] [@GameguruGG][@Azakma][/center] The immediate vibe given off by Juri furthered the interest DIO took in her. As her eyes swept over him, he returned the favor, examining every muscle and curve concluding that this individual would not suffice as mere sustenance or subservience. If possible, he would attempt to win her allegiance with nothing more than his charisma. At the very least, she seemed attracted to him, and he found himself not repulsed by it. More so than the Overlord, who the vampire judged to be nursing ambitions of his own, Juri struck him as the type who would be happy to serve as long as she could do what she pleased. Her demonstration surprised him. No Stand manifested, and she did not seem to be employing the breathing tricks of Hamon users. From his reading, he knew that great martial artists of the east were able to harness their vital force, somewhat similarly to Hamon, in the form of chakra or ki, thereby enhancing their abilities far beyond mere those of an ordinary human. The force of the purple wave interested him in particular, for range constituted one of his only combat weaknesses. When she was through, he broke out into a wide, predatory, and perhaps even [url=http://static.comicvine.com/uploads/original/11113/111133172/3420430-street+fighter+ii+the+animated+movie+m+bison+alpha.jpg]familiar[/url] smile. [color=yellow]”I can feel it within you...a lust for the intimate art of brutal combat. It would be my pleasure, and yours too, I think, to test our respective mettle against one another.”[/color] At that moment, Clementine darted past them. Annoyed, DIO looked past Juri to see the approaching beast, and sighed to see another ridiculous, food-based abomination. Not displaying any further concern, he set one foot forward and waited for the starchy beast to come near. Mere milliseconds before the Hippotatomus would have trampled him, he lunged forward in an upward kick, sloppy in technique but terrifying in strength and speed, catching the animal beneath the jaw before hurling into the air, its head flopping around grotesquely. [color=yellow]”The World,”[/color] he coldly intoned, his face severe, and with a flash his Stand appeared. Of course, it wouldn't be visible to anyone else around here, but that did not hamper its effectiveness. [color=yellow]”Muda, muda, muda, muda!”[/color] he scorned, as The World unleashed a hail of upward blows into the airborne beast, punching out sections of potato and cheese with each vicious strike. Then, DIO held his arms out to the side, opened his palms, and clapped his hands together at great speed. Overhead, The World imitated the move, and the Hippotatomus exploded into a deluge of mashed potato that coated the cracker sidewalk and Oreo road like snow. Of course, to Juri, Clementine, and any onlookers, it would have appeared that he'd destroyed the animal with telekinesis or some similar trick. DIO tilted his head toward Juri as his Stand disappeared, smiling again, and said, [color=yellow]”But isn't this a charming distraction? Such a pity that the other wretched creature is now alone. It would only be fitting if you reunited it with its friend, don't you think?”[/color]