[b]Name[/b]: De'vron [b]Gender[/b]: Male [b]Race[/b]: Half-Orc [b]Profession[/b]: Enforcer [b]Gang[/b]: The Cast Away Creed [b]Picture/Description[/b]: From a distance, most would think him a buff human with an athletic build, and they would be right...to an extent. De'vron is 50% human, although, if you don't notice his unnaturally strong, angry, facial features, dark beige skin, and thick, animal like short black hair, he looks just like a normal human in their mid to late thirties. [hider=De'vron] [img]http://isandir.com/wp-content/uploads/Kalidric.png[/img] [/hider] [b]Personality[/b]: You would never think that behind a half-orc's large, muscular body and dark suspicious eyes lies a very intelligent creature. Although you may be able to tell that De'vron has never been educated just by looking at the way he makes trouble when his friends drag him to the library, he is very street smart and a really quick learner. Because of this De'vron has been able to live life pretty easy. He's always found ways to make money and he hasn't ever really cared about most morals or anything like that. The only thing that matters to De'vron is making money and staying loyal to those who deserve it. He usually tries to find the upside even though he does have an angry sadistic that comes out when someone sets him off. De'vron has a pretty go with the flow personality that hides him constantly thinking of ways to kill everyone that he doesn't like and move up in the world. [b]History[/b]: De'vron didn't have the easiest childhood. He was born in Rouge's castle to a woman from the brothel that never cared much about him and a dad that he never met. De'vron has always wondered who his dad is since he hasn't found a way anyone could leave Rouge's Castle. He's tried asking his mom but she was never much help, whenever De'vron asked his mom for anything, be it money or just a simple question, she'd just ignore him when she's sober and throw him out of the house most of the time which is when she's not. Because of this De'vron learned to use the natural muscle and anger he had to get money from the other orphans that roamed around Rouge's Castle. He eventually stumbled upon a gang of orphans that jumped him and took him in because they some muscle. Life became a lot easier when he joined up with them he learned to “control” his anger and just act normal for once. As he got older his friends all joined up with the Cast Away Creed so he did too as a way of making money. He quickly moved up in the ranks, thanks to his pretty sizable stature and handiness in a fistfight. De'vron started letting the Cast Away Creed become his life as he gained more and more money, while getting closer to the power he so badly craved. [b]Combat Proficiency[/b]: De'vron can definitely handle himself in a fistfight, although he prefers to use his medieval war cleaver that he picked up when he first started working for the Cast Aways. He treats fights like games and is mostly composed until he gets the upper hand, than he fights like an injured animal, viciously killing/beating opponents with his cleaver or fists. Skills: De'vron is a very quick thinker and is a pretty good talker when he's not riled up. [b]Equipment[/b]: The medieval war cleaver that De'vron is almost known for.