[quote=@FacePunch] Does this look like a street level or a city level set of attributes? --- Hero Type (Select one): Super-Soldier (Enhanced physical attributes to superhuman levels) Power Level (Select one below): A. Street Level (Ex. Punisher, Daredevil) Powers (Be Specific): Chike injected himself with the recently developed serum by Doctor Saxer. The serum has given him super strength, speed, agility, intelligence, senses, dexterity and a minor healing factor. Attributes (Select one at each category): Strength Level: 4 tons Speed/Reaction Timing Level: 65 MPH Endurance at MAXIMUM Effort: Normal Human Agility: 5X Intelligence: Above Average Fighting Skill: Untrained Resources: Minimal Weaknesses: Until Chike obtains the second half of the super soldier serum from SuperIOR Inc, each injection will only last a few hours depending on how much energy he burns. [/quote] Personally, to me, street level in my mind is closer to human scopes as you're usually dealing with anything from common criminals to small meta humans. Think of Batman, Spiderman, some of the Xmen like Jubilee, Gambit, Colossus, Beast, Wolverine (older versions) and lower level mutants that weren't able to influence wide ranges. Those like Storm, Xavier, Magneto, and many others I think are a bit beyond street level due to how easily they can take a whole army of thugs. Reason Wolverine was included in the lower level is he could still get beaten to a pulp. Also, 4 tons? *whistles* Btw, this is just my thoughts.