It is now the 479th year of the Third Era, the kingdoms have been restored and life is returning to what it once was. But of course life as it once was was dangerous still. All manner of monsters roamed the wilds outside the cities and those careless or unfortunate enough to encounter such creatures most of the time meet an untimely end. Today The Knights of The Dawn Covenant seek to eliminate such threats to both man and mer. The only organization specifically training in combating monsters and dark magics the Knights, or Templars as they are also called, are the only thing standing between mortals and the abominations that stalk the night. IN OTHER WORDS: We'll all be monster hunters n stuff who are to meet at our HQ for an important meeting and that's when the action begins. As you read below there is magic and things of that sort. The beastiary if not done in time will be updated as we go along. [hr] [hider=The Order] [hider=Ranks] [list] [*]Lord Templar of The Dawn: Commander of Templars across Miras. [*]Knight-Commander: Overseer of regional Templar activity. [*]Knight-Captain: Individuals in command of a company of Templars(multiple platoons). Officer Rank. [*]Knight-Lieutenant: Individuals in command of a platoon of Templars(multiple squadrons). Officer Rank. [*]Knight-Sergeant: Individuals in command of a squadron of Templars(multiple teams). [*]Knight-Corporal: Individuals in command of a team of Templars(3 to 4). [*]Templar: Those who have undergone the trials of their training and have become full members of The Dawn Covenant. [*]Initiate: Men and women who've begun their training to come full members of The Order. [/list] [/hider] From what little history the first men brought with them to Miras it is believed that The Knights of The Dawn Covenant were brought to the continent by its founder Korimund Ektruin. Originally they were the private army of Ektruin who was the high priest of the pantheon of the old gods. Their original purpose was to serve as a defense against heresy towards the old gods but after The War of The First Era the organization underwent a drastic change in ideology. The head of The Order, Wymund Ildengard, was secretly a follower of a new cult known as The Dawn Covenant. From his place of power Ildengard began to subtly convert The Order to the teachings of The Dawn Covenant. Ildengard was successful and his efforts proved to save The Order as not long after the Kingdom of Farendar itself converted to The Covenant. With a new religion came a new code and a new purpose. The Order began to pull away from heretic persecution and more towards the protection of man. The Order established itself as a policing force across eastern Miras with the ideals of charity and justice. The continent of Miras is home to a vast variety of creature, most of which are dangerous to men and mer alike. Not only are monsters a threat but practioners of the arcane arts as well, some who delve too deep into magic can become twisted by such power and so The Order patrols the continent in defense against abominations both man, mer, and beast. [/hider] [hider=Magic] The Arcane Arts are an ancient form of harnessing the ethereal energy in the world. While all races are capable of utilizing magic the ability is not as commonly found in humans compared to the other races of Miras. The use of magic requires magicka reserves within the caster. If a mage exhaustes their reserves they run the risk of seriously injuring themselves either by their spells backfiring or by unintentionally converting their life energy into magicka which can kill them if overused. Magic has been categorized by the Council of Enchanters into five groups which are... [hider=Elementalism][b]Elementalism[/b]-The manipulation of the raw power of the natural elements. Elementalists can learn all forms of this school of magic but at a cost. Most who do this while having an understanding of all aspects sacrifice effectiveness. Meanwhile those who focus on a specific aspect of Elementalism gain a greater understanding of that element. [u][b]Branches of Elementalism[/b][/u] [list] [*]Pyromancy-The manipulation of fire. [*]Cryomancy-The manipulation of ice and water. [*]Electromancy-The manipulation of electricity. [*]Geomancy-The manipulation of earth. [/list] [/hider] [hider=Necromancy][b]Necromancy[/b]-The manipulation of the corporeal as well as the spiritual. This school of magic is probably one of the most dangerous as it involves resurrecting the dead and summoning spirits, both of which can have unexpected outcomes if not don't correctly and with proper protection. While resurrection spells to summon undead thralls can be summoned with a simple cast, the long term resurrection spells require intense ritual performances and sometimes the use of blood magic. [u][b]Branches of Necromancy[/b][/u] [list] [*]Blood Magic-A forbidden branch of necromancy. Blood magic requires the caster or a sacrifice to shed blood in order to perform special spells and rituals that provide powers from what is known as "The Void". The ethereal energy there is concentrated, pure, and much more powerful then the ethereal energy found on Miras. However there is a danger as practice of Blood Magic can make one susceptible to demonic possession. [*]Conjuration-Probably the second most dangerous branch of Necromancy. Conjuration involves summoning spirits and sometimes demons to aid in battle or barter with for rare items. This is especially dangerous with demons as they most often take possession of the those foolish enough to strike a deal with them. Spirits are more complex and volatile as many are benevolent beings whose soul purpose is to aid mortals. However some can be corrupted by the dark nature of the physical world. This corruption can transform them into demons if they are not properly bound to the caster and even then one must be careful not to pervert the spirits nature. [/list][/hider] [hider=Restoration][b]Restoration[/b]-This School of Magic is, of course, mostly used by healers. Restoration uses healing auras to mend flesh and heal injuries. This school of magic is unique as a caster can utilize amplification circles to increase the effectiveness of the spell. This amp circle can have multiple healers taking part in it, adding further and further to the spells effectiveness and healing speed. However this does not mean an individual can survive any injury. Mortal wounds that would kill someone barely are seen to be healed and those who die cannot be brought back through restoration but through necromamcy and even then it is not truely the mind of the deceased.[/hider] [hider=Illusion][b]Illusion[/b]-The most cryptic of the schools of magic illusion magic allows the caster to create decoys of themselves or whatever object they wish to duplicate. They can also cause enemies to become confused, angry, fearful, and turn them on eachother. The illusion school is favored by thieves and assassins as enough practice can result in the ability to become invisible for a time.[/hider] [/hider] Still workin' on the race descriptions so just know the races are Humans, Wood Elves/High Elves, Dark Elves, Dwarf.