Silzard didn't like the idea any more than Ryder did, but all the same, House Tosen couldn't handle it alone. Not with the drought and the demons wearing on his people. He looked at Ryder and said, [color=ed1c24]"I don't like it either. However, with the war going on we can't protect the people. I'd rather the white haired lord be strung up and dead, but we're not in a position to turn away help. Besides, if we keep our friends close, but our enemies closer then we know what they want. If it's a truce, then we play along."[/color] Besides, he could hardly talk like he was better than Ryoichi right now. He had a hidden thief too, and had it not been for Karesh it was likely she would have been the one ruining the peace talks. Silzard had the upper hand for now, because the thief hadn't revealed how much he knew yet, but all the same there was no way to know if he was bluffing or not. [@OppositionJ]