[center][h3][b][u][color=red]Ira Amaterasu[/color][/u][/b][/h3] [IMG]http://i58.tinypic.com/2cmm7p3.png[/IMG] [@WaddleDaisy] [color=red] “ Glad to hear it.” [/color] , Ira decided now was the time to come out of the dressing room. He filled the tux perfectly. It was first time in forever he hadn’t had his mask attached to his face. His hair was tied into a ponytail to better show his features, his chiseled chin, white smile , and soft lips complimented his face. As he walk towards the front of the shop he handed the tailor his white outfit,[color=red] “ I’d like to have this restitched and in perfect condition by tomorrow. I’m sure you will have no problems.”[/color] , as he handed the tailor his rags he reached into his pocket for money. [color=red] “ I’m sure 30,000 jewel will do for the outfits and here a little for you.”[/color], he handed the man a small bag containing the large sum of money. [color=red] “ You look stunning. Are you ready to have a good time?”[/color], Ira ask with a smile and arm outstretched to interlock with Taka’s.[/center]