Deaku Region This Region has forests and beautiful oceans of the Deaku world of Pokemon, a group stepped foot in this region creating new kind of creatures that are known Gijinkas which is Pokemon changed into half human and half Pokemon from many different regions in the world of PKMN. The scientist had failures and successful tests in their Gijinka project, and some of their successful experiments escaped from their Laboratory. The successful experiments can change from Human to their Pokemon Form whenever they want all their moves and abilities that they had when they were true Pokemon and they have human and Pokemon minds all in one brain, some These successful experiments can even understand Pokemon Perfectly and humans as well, So the scientist of team Galaku consider them rare when they understand Pokemon and humans Perfectly without any mistakes. the rare species of the Gijinka experiments are the ones that the Scientist will never give up searching for them no matter what or where the gijinka ran when they escaped Team Galaku's laboratory. Some of team Galaku's Gijinkas will risk everything to protect the Normal PKMN in the PKMN world, and some of the Gijinkas just decide to keep themselves hidden and protect themselves for they won't be recaptured by team Galaku's goons that are sent to seek out the Experiments in the pokemon world. (( The rules are in the ooc section in this forum the other players get to start before me in my rp. Here is the link to the ooc: [url][/url] ))