[@Eklispe] Coolieo. Would that make them more passing acquaintances, like "I know your name and you know mine," or more, "I'm bored. Let's go hang out or something," friends? [@Iceprincessforlife] Sounds great to me! :-) [@OoTrillionoO] + Iceprincess Aww, man! That SUCKS about your laptop! I totally understand about juggling work and school. Fun stuff. So, if no one minds my asking, high school or college for you and Iceprincess (can I call you Ice outside of mentions/quotes? I feel lazy. Heh). Okay, going to involve you in the "How we met" thing. XD Which also involves Ice. Since your and Ice's characters are the same age, what about saying mine met yours through Ice's somewhere along the line in whatever year of school? What are your guys' thoughts? [b]P.S.[/b] I'll try to get an IC post up soon. Been running on little sleep the last few nights. Also, as a warning, my Octobers tend to get a little extra busy. Hopefully it won't stop me from posting, but I thought I should give you all a heads-up just in case.