Hi. how it going. I've had this idea for YEARS, but never did anything with it, because I figured nobody else would like it! But apparently I was wrong, and am now looking for other people who might like this silly idea of mine. [i]Duel Monsters, a beloved card game all over the world.[/i] The basic gist is, this has [i]very[/i] little to do with the card game, but everything to do with the monsters on them. What if people could summon them and have them fight, without the rules of the game limiting them? To fight as actual knights, machines, monsters or what ever else? To use the cards as "portals" to summon warrior spirits, to fight or protect the user from other such spirits. This RP would follow two who gain the ability to do this that, and their fights against others who would use such a power for wicked purposes. What journeys would they go on, what adventure will they have? And if that wasn't clear enough for ya, it's persona but with yu-gi-oh cards. I don't really have a plot set in stone just yet, just looking if anybody would even be interested in the basic premise? If anybody is, then I will happily think up, or work with you to make a plot!