[center][img] http://i131.photobucket.com/albums/p301/Averium/Jafar_zpsc2ce1e15.jpg[/img] [b]Name:[/b] Galen Urik Gallatine [b]Race:[/b] Hume [b]Age:[/b] 28 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Appearance:[/b] Due to the excessive amounts of magical energy Galen has dealt with throughout his lifetime and the sometimes decidedly risky nature of the sorcerous spells he trades for currency he has developed a mild case of mana poisoning which expresses itself as a discoloration at the tips of his hair, changing the usually obsidian locks to a silver or white. During the nighttime, depending on how much energy he has channeled during the day, this can also manifest as a soft red glow inside his skin making stealthy operations nearly impossible. This coloration is caused by excess mana being 'bled off'. [b]Job:[/b] Black Mage [b]Clothing/Armor:[/b] [i]Noble's Clothes[/i] - A complete set of finely crafted robes and clothing in an array of blues and grays of varying colors. This one fine garment has fallen into a state of disrepair, torn and tattered at the edges, another sign of this once proud noble's fall in social status. [b]Weapons:[/b] [i]Novus Grimoire[/i] - A standard spellbook carried by almost all magicians, it automatically fills itself with knowledge as the magical prowess of its owner increases. It exists to catalogue intricate rituals and spells for easy retrieval after they have been learned. [i]Roc Feather Wand[/i] - A small, lightweight spellcasting implement which is cheap and easy to come by. Usually wielded by first years at magical academies, due to Galen's poor financial condition he has resorted to using this most basic of catalysts. [i]Rusted Shamshir[/i] - A melee implement commonly used against unarmored foes. Small and lightweight, Galen has no knowledge of this once proud weapon's usage and therefore now employs it merely as a crude cutting tool. [b]Inventory:[/b] [i]Blood-Rite Ring[/i] - A band of cast silver capped by a brilliant stone. One of the few items Galen has managed to retain control of, it is typically given to magical professors as a symbol of status. The ring itself is non-magical and typically users enchant it to their specifications. Galen's ring currently has no enchantments. [i]Chest of the Djinn[/i] - An almost comically small chest which hangs around Galen's neck, another bare remainder of the sorcerer's now firmly depleted stash. It used to serve as a home for one of Galen's traveling companions: a mighty djinn. Now, having fallen on poor finances, this companion was bartered off at dear cost leaving the mystic container empty. [b]Attributes:[/b] HP: D- MP: [b]A[/b] Attack: D+* Defense: D+ Magic: A- Resist: A+** Speed: C-** [b]Abilities:[/b] [hider=Fire]~Fire~ (Magical, Tier 1) The user thrusts their palm forward and emits a cone of magical flame roughly three feet in diameter to scorch nearby opponents. The spellcaster can sustain the cone for as long as their magic power will allow, but the MP cost to keep the flames burning hot increases exponentially the longer the spell is being cast, so it is not to the spellcaster's advantage to keep it going for very long. The flame burns at a high temperature, but it has no fuel source to sustain itself other than mana so the spell will not start fires unless the target is flammable. In relation to the other elemental magic, it has the fastest casting time but the lowest range. If your character uses a staff or wand for spellcasting, the cone of flame can be conjured from that item instead of the palm.[/hider] [hider=Thunder] ~Thunder~ (Magical, Tier 1) After storing up energy in the tip of their index finger, the user points at their target and fires off a bright bolt of magical electricity. The bolt travels very quickly and is quite accurate, and although it is the weakest of the level one elemental spells in terms of physical damage, the electricity has a chance of stunning and disorienting the target, especially if their magical resistance is low. However, because so much energy has to be concentrated in a single point, Thunder has a longer casting time than Blizzard and Fire and costs the most MP of the three. If your character uses a staff or wand for spellcasting, the lightning bolt can be fired from the tip of that item instead. [/hider] [hider=Poison] ~Poison~ (Magical, Tier 1) After a moment of preparation, the user summons forth a tentacle made of pulsing green energy that extends forward and whips a nearby target, although it inflicts no physical harm besides a brief stinging sensation. If the tentacle successfully makes contact, the target will become poisoned. Poisoned targets are slightly physically weaker, and will experience pain and gradual health loss as the poison takes over. Depending on the poisoned character's defense, the poison may set in slower or faster and affect them more or less. The spell has a moderately high MP cost, although not as much as Thunder, but also suffers from a short range. [/hider] [hider=Blind] ~Blind~ (Magical, Tier 1) After a moment of preparation, the user fires off a swirling orb of pure darkness at their target. The orb travels at a modest speed in a slight arcing motion. If the orb contacts its target, the unsuspecting foe's vision will grow dim, blurry, and colorless making it incredibly difficult to see things even inches in front of your face, let alone perceive depth or fight effectively. Depending on the target's magic resistance their vision will suffer more or less, although even the most resilient of mages will suffer some loss. This spell is best implemented when a target is distracted, as it can be dodged if the opponent is fast enough and sees it coming (no pun intended). [/hider] [hider=Rasp] ~Rasp~ (Magical, Tier 1) The user fires a beam of red light at their target, dealing no physical damage other than a brief burning sensation but depleting a chunk of the affected target's MP, possibly preventing them from casting spells or using magical abilities. The beam travels quickly and is moderately difficult to avoid unless the target is prepared, but it can be blocked with a solid object. The spell has a moderately high MP cost, although not as much as Thunder, and has moderate range. [/hider] [hider= Mystic Battery] ~Mystic Battery~ (Passive, Tier 1) Your character's natural rate of MP recovery is notably slower than average, but when they are affected by a spell that deals damage or inflicts a status ailment, they absorb some of the ether from the spell and their MP is replenished by roughly half of the MP that was expended to cast the spell. In addition, your character's base MP pool is naturally larger than normal (increase your character's MP stat by 2/3s of a letter grade, like C- to C+, and denote this change by bolding that letter on your character sheet.)[/hider] [b]Personality:[/b] Witty and highly manipulative, Galen's past posh indulgence has only strengthened his conviction to return to that vaunted status in society. At most times passive and of good humor, it is his secret plots and ruthless drive that one need truly be wary of. [b]Backstory:[/b] Raised in a summer home in Ambervale Galen grew up with the title 'Second Count of Urik'. This was the title he was to inherit upon the death of his father, the first count, though it was truly a title only. The land of 'Urik' was no more than a desolate portion of the Eluut stands granted to his father purely for the sake of ennobling him. Still, while his father had King Mewt's favor the family remained in prominence with the majority of the income derived directly from the royal treasury. When Galen turned of age he was shipped off to a magically academy where it was thought that his admittedly lackluster potential for magic might be exploited for the purpose of finding a suitably useless but still lucrative job in the royal bureaucracy. To most of his family's delight he seemed to excel, albeit mostly through natural talent and not study, at the magical arts and upon his graduation was offered a position as an instructor at the academy as a holdover until a governmental position could be found. This position remained unfound for some time, however, and as a result Galen continued to lounge at the academy, teaching classes and generally wasting away his days writing thesis' until the foreigner queen took up residence. As part of her reforms Matoya pushed his family out of favor and left them penniless; the shock of the incident put his father of his death bed and within a year Galen duly inherited his mocking title which the good queen had seen as literally too insignificant to care about revoking. His family having been declared persona non-grata Galen was forced to leave the academy and wander the world, selling his services wherever possible while simultaneously searching for some method of employment which might return him to his previous social status. [b]Wallet:[/b] 5 silver, 25 copper[/center]