[quote=@Chanda] [@Izaka Sazaka] looks good so far. Nice touches of lore here and there on the wand and the chest locket necklace thing. Looking forward to the backstory. Not a huge fan of center align but don't let that stop you from making the formatting choices that you know are right for you deep down in your heart. LIVE YOUR LIFE THE WAY YOU HAVE TO, MAN. You do you. [/quote] [img]http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-dQ5j26OXRu8/T2Z8ijj_IBI/AAAAAAAAA1g/0EBhVgyRbpQ/s1600/tom-cruise-sunglasses.gif[/img] Swag. Edit: Just gonna make note of some physical traits under the appearance section, don't expect a super large amount of fluff there though. CS will be complete as soon as appearance section is up.