Hefty paws quickly flattened the mulched earth, gentle puffs of breath emerging as eyes of mixed sapphire and emerald fluttered over the surrounding terrain. Tree's scattered about her provided cover from sight as she continued the same distanced route around slowly filling fishing town that seemed to have caught her interest. Darkened nasal passages of onyx tones pulled at the air as nasal bridge crinkled upon quick notice of further intrusion of more hunters, some human and some vampires. As mass of pelt shuddered over form disgusted grunt of breath would be emerged, paws shifting as she continued to move swiftly unsure whether to make approach and make herself known or to stay her distance and remain out of sight for a longer period of time. [color=f26522][i]"Why are there so many?"[/i][/color] a gentle whispered tone would slide through Acacia's mind, sure there weren't that many, but it was still more than she expected when she set out on her decision. As the sound of chatter from short greetings caught her attention Acacia decided to remain a short distance off, still hidden within the brush and tree-line as she caught quick glimpses of dispersing person's into buildings, only one remaining in site as he sat on porch deck with backpack and holstered weapons. Ears flattened for short moment as she stared in his direction, form standing side on to tree-line as she flickered glances about noticing barely anyone was left in sight. Shifting partially a small ray of light from the gloom of sky above would cast a gleam upon a small section of brightly toned fur before settling, if anyone was paying attention surely something would be noticed, although not noticing herself Ace remained where she was contemplating approach whilst remaining hushed.