Alex crouched down and examined the creature that had gotten itself caught in his trap. It looked like a child, but it had small patches of red fur, red fox ears and tails. He tapped on the glass to wake it up. it slowly opened its eyes and when the creature saw Alex It snarled and let out a plum of fire that hit against the glass of the age. Alex sighed and stood up before he explained, “That cage can withstand the heat of a Magcargo. I highly doubt your flames will do anything.” He then took out his phone and dialed. He paced back and forth waiting for someone to pick up on the other end. “Yeah, it’s me. I got one of your hybrids,” Alex said. He listened to the man on the other end before he added, “I don’t care what you people call it. As long as you have my money, you can call these things whatever you want.” Alex once again listened to the man on the other end explain to him what they are and he just sighed and rubbed his eyes. [i]Why do these scientist types have to go all geek on me every time I talk with them[/i]? Alex thought. Alex then looked back at the hybrid in the cage and then said, “I think it’s a combination of human and Vulpix. Looks to be no more than five years old.” Alex nodded and said, “Ok, I’ll bring it to the meeting spot as before, just make sure you got my money.” Alex hung up the phone and began to press the keyboard on the top of the cage. It floated and soon flowed before it changed into a much smaller cube. He took the cube and placed it into his pocket. “At least they know how to make a good transporting system. Glad I’m not lugging the massive cage around.” With that Alex walked towards the other traps to see if any other hybrids got caught in them.