[hider=Eros Zolomon Character Sheet] [center][b][h1][u]The Noble Marksman[/u][/h1] [color=violet][h3]Lord Eros Zolomon Arcane Archer[/h3][/color][/b] [img]http://i.imgur.com/DK7D1YO.jpg[/img] Eros Zolomon's muscular body stands just under six feet tall, cutting a heroic figure. He is good looking with a strong jawline and masculine features. Eros keeps his silken brown hair and sharp goatee neatly cut, cropped and coifed. He is naturally fair skinned but tanned from extensive adventuring.[/center] [b]Actual Age:[/b] Fifty Four [b]Race:[/b] Human [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Rise to Power[/b] Eros Zolomon was born as the third son of the well-off nobleman, Artemis Zolomon. Though third in his house's line of succession – after his brothers Teucer and Paris – Eros was raised like any noble firstborn. All three were trained by their weapon master and uncle, Orion Zolomon. Though all three were more-than-capable with everything they tried their hands at, it was only Eros that truly excelled at a specific weapon: the longbow. When – as all ambitious houses do – the Zolomon house squabbled with another noble family, Teucer was given command of the vanguard, Paris was positioned at front of the main force next to his father, and Eros was simply placed in command of a small squadron of bowmen. From hundred of yards behind the van, Eros could only watch the cavalry charges and rains of arrows break against the dense phalanx formation opposite them. Teucer was overwhelmed, and both Artemis and Paris were being sorely outmaneuvered. Straining his eyes, Eros scanned for his enemy's leader. A violet film spread across his vision, and he was instantly able to see the opposing forces as if they were a stone's throw away. One specific knight in obscenely gold armor stuck out to the archer. As soon as he focused on what was surely the rival lord, Eros saw a dark purple glow outline the golden armor. He looked down at his arrow, willing it – almost communicating to it – to hit his target. Without actually understanding what he was doing, Eros let fly, his enhanced vision watching the now-glowing shaft soar through the air, the projectile coming to a final rest behind the pauldron but under the helm. As the lord fell from his horse, dead, his army was routed, and a legend was born. With his newly acquired powers and the foundations of a famed reputation to build upon, Eros Zolomon left his home with his brother Paris to make his name in the world away from the shadow of the soon-to-be Lord Teucer Zolomon. Together they ended the tyrannical rules of monsters all across the land – from drakes to demons to an entire pack of dire wolves – and gathered a sizable following. The growing army waged war successfully time and time again. It was only when the two attempted to stop the spread of a rapidly-growing tribe of women warriors that disaster struck. The tribe's leader was an archer of great renown, known to have eliminated every male ruler in the tribe's surrounding area from astounding distances. The stories of the warrior queen's exploits ominously mirrored those of Eros himself. The two brothers Zolomon and their followers slowly cut a path deep into the tribe's lands, slaughtering the savage women under storms of arrows. Their campaign was going perfectly, for they had taken every precaution against their enemy marksman. Despite their conservative plan of attack; however, the adventurers were ambushed, caught completely unaware by the warrior queen who was much more familiar with the region. In the battle, Eros was able to bring down the savage woman, but not before one of her arrows found the heart of Paris. Distraught, Eros took up the warrior queen's enchanted bow and unleashed his fury on any sort of evil he could find. Ogres, orcs and goblins fell by the scores to Eros and his new enchanted bow. After Eros put an arrow through the one eye of the ogre chieftain Lurzg, he received word that his older brother had passed. He knew that it was time for him to end his rampage and return to his home. As the new Lord Zolomon, Eros grew to be a loved and respected leader of his house. [b]Combat Skills[/b] Eros is not an assassin; assassins are murderers that hide their identities in shadows and obscurity. Eros is a marksman, a noble and skillful killer. He is an exceptional archer, and this skill is only accentuated by his arcane abilities. He is able to enhance his vision with far sight and mark a target for death. Once marked, Eros's victims will not avoid the imminent impact. Eros doesn't miss; as he wills his arrows to travel true to his marked target, the arcane archer will always hit his target. He also prepares meticulously for his battles, enhancing each arrowhead with a special paralysis that reverses the blood flow of the victim, killing them in under a minute. Alternatively, Eros can conjure an explosive material to coat his arrowheads. Upon impact, these special arrows erupt with a flaming, corrosive spray. Eros is more than competent with a variety of blades, ranging from daggers to rapiers to bastard swords. On the rare occasion Eros is forced into close combat, he can enhance his blades the same way he does with his arrowheads. In addition to his own martial prowess, Eros is a gifted military tactician. His strategies have never been bested on the battlefield. [b]Hobbies[/b] Carving/Fletching – Eros's exceptional dexterity lends itself to his favorite hobby: the manipulation of wood. From art to arrows, the Noble Marksman loves to see what he can give life to from shapeless timber. Hunting – Eros can bring down all types of game but prefers the challenge afforded by fowl. Games of Strategy – Eros is a quick learner and intensely competitive when it comes to contests of the mind. [b]Your Gear[/b] Silver Arcus – the warrior queen's longbow, one crafted out of an enchanted yew tree and sturdy dragon bone. Because of the magical nature of the bow's components, it can handle arrows with powerful enhancements – whether magical or mundane. Silver Arcus is also shockingly easy to string and draw for any worthy enough to be called its owner; however, none other than Eros and the original warrior queen herself have been able to hold that distinction. Enchanted Quiver – a quiver enchanted that, every morning, Eros finds two hundred arrows regardless of whether it was empty or even contained more than fourty-seven arrows the night before. The nature of the arrows is the same as that of whichever type of arrow is most abundant the night before. Zolomon Noble Robes – House Zolomon's colors are purple and black. The lord's robes are made of the finest silks with leather expertly sewn in to provide protection in strategic places. They are multilayered, one layer tighter with leather inserts, the other one much looser, flowing regally with a long cape and hood. The mundane defenses of these robes are magnified by a variety of arcane spells, cast by Eros every morning. These armor enhancements provide fortification against everything from blades and arrows to magical fireballs and curses. [b]Your Retinue[/b] - [Three Score] House Zolomon Soldiers - [One Dozen] House Zolomon Lord's Guard (Ranged Specialists) [b]Retirement[/b] Though quieter than his years of adventuring with his brother, Eros Zolomon's retirement has not been completely uneventful. He has always been a soldier at heart, so none would ever accuse House Zolomon of shying away from conflict under the arcane archer's rule. Eros has surely taken a step back from his travel, so the only bit of excitement he is able to experience is that of an ordinary soldier of his house. Always slightly uncomfortable with his legendary reputation and the stigmas of being seen as a living myth, Eros only truly feels comfortable when he is attempting to blend in with the other warriors. Disputing with rivals over land, defense planning, drinking with his men, and enjoying his family constitute a happy lifestyle for Lord Zolomon. [b]Your family[/b] Eros Zolomon married a pretty but mainly nondescript girl he had known as a youth. After traveling the world and seeing fantastical women of every race, Eros was happy to settle down with somebody who could instill a bit of normalcy to his life. Together they have a young daughter and an adolescent boy, both of which dream of becoming adventurers like their paternal hero. A loving and supportive father, Eros is happy to humor them, instructing them in all of the lessens and skills he has learned during his lifetime. [b]Any extreme Personality quirks, habits, or maybe just their favorite foods[/b] OCD – Eros is extremely disciplined, always making sure that every provision is accounted for. He takes preparation to a level of obsession and compulsion. Man of the Commonfolk – Despite his great success in life, Eros remains very humble. Instead of spending any of his acquired riches on himself, he prefers to share them – along with his time and affection – with his cherished ones, especially his sworn men, soldiers that would surely give their lives for him – despite the fact that he would rather be seen as simply another soldier. Social Drinking – Eros is a fan of the drink, but more for the revelry with friends than for the alcohol itself. He loves making memories, and a good stout can be a great assistant to that. [/hider]