[hider=Glacier] The Arcosian brothers had finally obtained their coveted battle forms and were eager to prove their father wrong. Glacier, usually more reserved then his brother Glacial, even had a impromptu excitement in his step, still he kept a set distance from Glacial, as they strode the stairway. They had been training on the lowest levels, where no Arcosian with a sense of pride would dare tread . All the long grueling hours had paid off and they would see them justified, if it was the last thing they did. With each bounding step Glaciers’ pride grew, his hour had come. Finally he reached the fourth level, only moments after his rambunctious brother. The two turned together and started off down the cavern halls leading to their cavernous home. Reaching the large doors, ready to barge in, to demand their right to the trials of manhood, they stopped. The resonating voice of their father halted their triumphant entry, “I don’t care if they have completed their combat forms!” Glacier reached out instinctively to hold his brothers wrath back, at their father, before he could, their mother spoke, calming Glacial far better then he ever could hope for. “If they are able to utilize the combat form we can not keep them from going out on their own. It is our way, if they can they must.” Their father went on ranting and raving about the shame, oh the endless shame, the two have and will continue to bring down upon the family. The two turned enraged, not wanting to listen to the endless babbling of their father, neither did they want to cause more heart ache for their mother by busting in on them. Seething with anger Glacial turned to walk back down the hallway when he spouted, “We don’t need that old mans permission. All we need is a heart.” Before Glaciers’ brother could walk pass him, he clasped Glacials’ should, with a tense glare in his eyes said, “For once brother I agree with the rash nature you posses. We will force his acknowledgement and get our revenge. We will show him shame.” The two strode off with a new unwavering purpose. [/hider]