That's what I love about Ghibli movies! The only ones I've seen are Spirited Away (like, more times than I can count), Ponyo, and Howl's Moving Castle. The movies that I got from the library are: The Cat Returns, Nausicaa, Whispers of the Heart, The Wind Rises, Arrietty, Grave of the Fireflies, and Totoro. My mom works at the library so I just ask for the favor and she holds them for me. :) Have you heard about the theories that fans have on movies like Spirited Away and Totoro? Like for instance, they say that Totoro is actually the Angel of Death and other cool/crazy things that in Spirited Away, a lot of years passed (a hundred, I think?) after Chihiro and her family comes back from the spirit world and that they're actually dead and ghosts now but they don't know it. They assume this because of how much the scenery changed when they left the temple garden in the woods, especially with the gnome because it had a lot of moss (that it didn't have before); that takes a lot of years for it to do that. A friend was telling me about that and I was just in shock, they're pretty interesting! Working on Eden right now.