Metosi's focus narrowed onto the tower, thinking he might have caught a glimpse of movement within. He rubbed at his chin for a moment, wondering if he should bring this to the attention of the others. If there were those with hostile intent, it would be better to be safe than sorry. If there weren't, they could always search the tower for useful items to sell or for their job. "Friends, do you see that tower in the distance?" Metosi avoided pointing at the structure, not wanting to let possible opposition to realize they had been made. "I believe I saw movement, this might be the possible break we've been looking for. There's a path for it a little farther along the road, it would seem. If the rest of you are amenable, we should take it and search the tower." Metosi continued to watch the tower as well as keep a wary awareness of their surroundings. Action: Inform his companions of the tower, persuade them to investigate. Tries to confirm his suspicions of the tower, keeps an eye out for danger.