[@Weird Tales] That's coming at some point, actually. [@LadyTale] wanted the beginning to really just be character interaction and development, and the action and plot was gonna come in later (mentioning you in this post so you can pop in and re-confirm; don't want to make it seem like i'm speaking for you) [@Yorutenchi] Well, right now'll be the best time to pop back in! (seriously, you haven't noticed? It slowed to an hilariously upsetting crawl.) Seeing as this was meant to be the character development phase, honestly nothing here would be really be relevant to your character (unless you [i]want[/i] it to be. I mean, Beanna was in the scene with the encounter on the target range, have her mull over what went down in that if you need a jumping off point). Otherwise, take this chance to flesh her out a bit. Maybe she has friends, maybe she prefers to be alone. Establish your own little supporting cast, if need't be. Take a chance to get invested! Kind of glad you replied, I wanted some clarity with your character. Beanna's character pic: is that an accurate drawing? Does she have the pale skin, the yellow eyes, the...three sets of ears? (those are ears, right?)