Reagen gave a -so-so- gesture with her hand "It not that I'm so strong in the art of wards. I can aid in their construction to be sure, but don't ask me to be I primary ward maker. More of an artificer to be honest." She gestured wither her gloved hands, to her necklace and to her boots, both sets covered with rune-etchings just barely visible in the light of the room, before adding in a grumble under her breath "not that they gave me time to gather up anything that might have been useful back at my lab." "It's just that my personal specialty, in the elemental sense, is earth magic. Grounding out magic is the next best thing to running water after all. Not skilled enough to invoke like that, canceling out spells like that is probably another half a century outside my league, but given a circle and a few minutes I can break down a good chunk of those defenses." She looked over at the Damian "I'll take half if you take the other. I should be able to handle that much...if not the next best thing to it. Afterwards...well I'll guess I move to aid which ever team appears to be having the most trouble." -------------------------------------------- Reagen stood not to far away from where the various teams had been deployed. Specifically she was up on a near by building she needed line of sight on her building and this was the best way to keep an eye on everything she needed. She had already drawn her circle well in advanced and begin preparing her spell. With a circle and a line of sight taking down a ward wasn't something that Reagan would call hard work. Doing this to most warded places would be sort of like magically kicking in a door. But on this scale? Well, that was a different story. She was about to do was more akin to being a one-woman-magic-wrecking-ball. Breaking down Countless defensive spells weaved all around the building like its own personal great wall of china. It was going to be a big spell, a relatively un complex one, but it would be alot of heavy lifting. She held her shillelagh in both hands, eyes focused on the building, and doing three things in her mind at once. One) Drawing in power Two) Forming and holding the spell in her mind and Three) Reaching out with her senses to tether the oncoming spell to the targeted wards. It started out simple but as she gathered more and more of the wards into the spell she fell the burden grow significantly. The Amount of power she had pulled in for this one was about the biggest single spell as she had ever done. The inside of her mind began to feel pressure like something was growing in the center of her brain and trying to push the whole thing out. She was distantly aware that the first boom and happened and the world below her had gone in to chaos as wardens and vampires clashed in the streets. Time, just a little more time and she'd be done. Finally she felt her hit her absolute limit and with gritted teeth she broke her circle and swept out her shillelagh, all its runs glowing a brilliant purple light she called out in a loud thunderous, commanding voice "[u][i][b][color=a187be]SCAIP![/color][/b][/i][/u]" The power flooded out of her enough to make her fall to her knees with the shocking sensation of it's sudden absence. But the spell did as it was meant to. There was a faint rumble in the ground as the spell rolled its way through the earth and clawed wards down into the defusing presence of the world. It took her a moment to regain he breath. She rose to her feat and looked down. Seems things were going about as well as could be expected. She jumped over the side of the building, running power through her gloves and boots as she did, She commanded the gravity of these items to cling to the side of the building, she slide down the side at a safe, if a bit quick for comfort, pace and landed on the ground. She ran at a dead sprint past the main team, her warden blade in one hand and her walking stick in the other she struck at any red that was near her path. As she passed 'team boom' she yelled "Got my share of the wards down. May be safe to start tossing magic at building it self or pushing into it if ya can. You keep this up, I'll cover Gideon and hopefully get us both back to ya for back up." With that she ran on and matched pace with Gideon, coming along to his shielded side. "On my mark, you can drop the shield and focus on the drawing. We should move quicker with you focusing on the circle and I focusing on the defense." She began to run power through necklace, it began to take up a more metallic seeming purple glow. "One...Two...Three! [color=a187be][u][i][b]Timpeall![/b][/i][/u][/color]" As Gideon's defenses went down her own went up. A sphere of gravity about them that made the oncoming rain of bullets not stop in their tracks but rather move around them along its edge, they passed harmless around them. In the river of gun fire they the stubborn stone that parted the flow. She was glade to have this defensive necklace handy today. She wasn't sure how much direct evocation she could handle after such a big spell. But she was still physically on full, and woe beget any dirty red that get within arms reach of her and her short, wicked [url=]Hallstatt Sword[/url] in one hand and her rushing cudgel in the other.