[quote=@GreivousKhan] There is a difference between parrying and blocking. The greater the difference in size and strength the easier it is to use that momentum against the attacker. If the person is skilled enough. Also that whole segment about the spear outclassing the sword thing is total nonsensical bollocks just so you know. A spear has the advantage of reach on a sword, but if it was anything like you describe it to be. The world would have never have bothered producing the more expensive harder to train with sword. Thrust are faster than cuts (and more deadly) though are harder to land, but spear are not faster than swords, no weapon is inherently faster than another, as that's based entirely on the individual. In HEMA they teach you, 'first comes the body, then comes the weapon' (and mind before that). Though I notice you only get that wsshing sound with a swords tip, never got a spears tip to move that fast without putting a whole lot of strength into it which would of course put you off balance. [/quote] The point of a spear is faster than the point of a sword like for like simply because it is supported by a longer base which can be manipulated faster, the spear does outclass the sword in the majority of situations that's just obvious, that doesn't mean it's better in every circumstance or situation, but it does mean it's better in a wide variety of contexts. The point is, the way Judgement is wielding his sword gives it a number of advantages similar to the spear (it loses out on reach and it can't cut as well, but that's really unimportant.) That's why half-swording was useful, it gave greater control and power for stabbing through armour plates, though in this case Judgement is using it to carefully skewer an opponent that is effortlessly ducking and weaving under every slash he attempts. He's essentially negating some of the weaknesses of his big sword by granting himself greater control. Really the argument that a sword wouldn't be required if spears outclassed them makes very little sense. Why were pistols a thing when they are bested by the rifle in the vast majority of situations? They fill completely different niches, but if you were to ask someone who knows how to fight with spear and sword which they would prefer in the majority of situations they'd say the spear. That being said, the only real similarity between what Judgement is doing and a spear is the greater control and the speed with which he can move the point of his weapon around and menace his opponent.