In case you were wondering what those situations where it outclasses the sword were 1. Reach 2. Price 3. Training 4. Safety for user 5. Point speed (longer shaft allows for greater movement at the end with minimal movement from the blunt end, I'm unsure what the term for this would be, probably greater energy efficiency) Also, as is the case with Judgement, spears are particularly effective two handed weapons, and seem to be more easily recovered with after a strike than the majority of swords. It's main weaknesses are obvious, but most aren't related to pitched combat. 1. Bigger, more cumbersome 2. Only dangerous at the point (unless it's double ended) (which is only really a weakness if your opponent -far- outclasses you, from what I've seen of multiple HEMA sparring videos with spear users fucking up sword users, especially ones without shields.) 3. Slightly more vulnerable to damage, though not much, it seems the shaft of a spear would actually be pretty difficult to shear through, and would likely get you killed. Not sure you can really call all these factors 'nonsensical bollocks' regardless of how derogatory you're feeling.