[color=ec008c]"Why are we here again? Who thought this was a good idea? What.... nevermind, i'm bored of living anyways."[/color] Toby wandered through the cold, barely aware of where he was, he was wearing a dirty black leather jacket, with a red cap on his head. He kept his hands in his pockets, except for when he needed to check his phone for the map. [color=ec008c]"Damn it's cold, why today?"[/color] He blew into his hands and rubbed them together. Walking hurt his feet, thinking hurt his head, the cold hurt his ears. He sighed [i]"How much longer am I gonna have to deal with this?"[/i] Just then, he arrived at the rickety building that housed the cable car. The building made Toby afraid, mostly because he thought it looked like a uninhabited house that nobody had been in for years. The cable car just got back, slowly sliding back along the sky-wire...thing, Toby had no idea what that was called. He threw open the door, the doorknob being cold against his already freezing hands. It slammed against the wall, knocking over a clock. The slam made Toby panic, the position he took probably being more at home in a Hannah-Barbera cartoon. Once he regained his composure, his dignity running down his leg, he kicked the clock into the wall angrily. The cable car arrived at the station just then, and Toby walked over. Broken windows and glass on the seats, he didn't know what he expected. He sat down and waited for the car to finally reach the lodge. The small shake of the car reaching the next station woke Toby up from a Beethoven induced slumber. [color=ec008c]"Finally."[/color] He stood up and walked out of the car. Looking around, there was snow, snow, more snow, tons of snow, god why was there so much snow. Well, the mansion was to his left, so he walked that way. At least he hoped that was the mansion, did snow cause mirages? Or was that sand? Either way, he walked in that direction. It took a bit, sloshing and stomping through the snow, but he eventually made it. He saw that some people had arrived already. He was glad, being alone would not have made him happy. [color=ec008c]"Hey! I'm here! Eugh, why did we have to come here today? The snow is awful!"[/color] Well, that wasn't the best way to start a conversation, but it would do.