[quote=@GreivousKhan] You know you're doing and talking about recovery speed and not attack speed at all right? [/quote] You could argue both are the same thing for a spear, recovery is a big part of feinting and manipulating a weapon before launching an attack, or rather manipulating the weapon into position for a strike is. In terms of how long the point of a spear takes to travel a distance in comparison to a sword if launched with the exact same amount of force I don't know if they would differ, I suspect the spear is probably more aerodynamic and that the point would probably move faster in that regard as well. Regardless, what Judgement is ultimately doing is recovering and launching a strike again to outpace the sword with its sheer mobility alongside his supernatural strength, so it still ultimately applies. Although his weapon is gigantic he has the greater control over his sword because he is using two hands and thrusting with it, while his opponent is duel wielding which is a notoriously difficult and unreliable skill and attempting to parry his sword point, this time after moving in and committing to another strike at him. This isn't even broaching the advantages of half swording, the specific action Judgement is carrying out, this is more of a justification of my spear beats sword remarks. Ironically in this specific situation if Judgement had a spear he'd be at a disadvantage because of its reach, but he's actually shortened the length of his sword by half swording, so he's lost the advantage of reach and gained a host of other good things.