WIP Sorry but stuff keeps coming up and now I have class, but scout's honor I'll have this finished soon. [img]http://images3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20130506031729/fairytailfanon/images/5/51/Anime_boy.jpg[/img] [b]Name:[/b] Jynmi Imsar [b]Age:[/b] 24 [b]Species:[/b] Human(Possessed) [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Personality:[/b] ITs not difficult to talk with Jynmi as he's open with people and has an easy time being empathetic with others, or at least that's the impression he gives off. Don't be fooled though at heart he's an introvert, and keeps the majority of himself hidden. Too much time with others drains him, and makes him irritable. He's a strange combination of idealism and practicality. He's also extremely emotional but tries to control this problem by resorting to the strictest forms of logic he can manage. He is a firm apathist(previously an atheist) which is someone who believes in God(s) but doesn't worship them. Fact is he holds anything divine or infernal that claims to have right to subjugate lesser beings due the difference in power, in the greatest realm of disdain. He prefers the company of animals to people. [b]Bio:[/b] Jynmi came into the world like most babies: kicking, screaming, and covered in someone else's blood. He didn't leave it in quiet the same openly defiant manner, the first time. In fact, when he left the world of the living it came as a bit of a shock. One moment he was taking a shower and he was looking up at the ceiling as it got further and his body rushed towards the ground. Reflexively he grabbed the cord for the radio and pulled on tightly to it, hoping he could bring himself to a stop. He failed at avoiding the fall but managed to pull the radio down into the half filled tub with him. There was a szzzzz sound, but he didn't really notice it. The story would've been over there but Jynmi's soul wasn't like others. It was big, and comfy with a sign on it that said vacancy. So something made itself at home, because it beat an eternity in hell, if even for a just a little bit. Somewhere buried in the cushy love seat that was Jynmi's soul the being felt the end of Jynmi's life and reacted in the only way it could to bring Jynmi back from the dead. When Jynmi opened his eyes he was naked and there's was a beautiful woman with skin the color of ranch dressing without the black bits, dark black hair, and the wildest red eyes anyone could find outside of something rabid living in some dark twisted woods. She told Jynmi her name was Lilith and they were going to be spending a lot of time together from this day on, because Lilith and Jynmi really didn't exist as separate entities any longer due to destroying the borders that kept them apart being the only means by which she could save him so she wouldn't have to go back to hell. Now that their one, both of their souls are bound for the same place. [b]Abilities: [/b] [b]Universe of Origin: [/b] An alternate Earth were divine beings actually exist.