[color=8B008B][h2][b]A thirst for knowledge![/b][/h2][/color] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/zu6tUqS.gif[/img][/center] [b]...Ah, Magnolia, one of the greatest towns in all of Fiore. Albeit already being a big town by regular standards, after the establishment of the grand guild, Wizard's of Fiore, and the relocation of the Magic Council's headquarters to Magnolia, it exponentially grew in size and importance. It took many years for the people to recover from the sheer amount of destruction that the civil war brought to the country but in the end, they did just that and so, here we are now, 6 years later, witnessing a new era for Fiore.[/b] [hr] [i]The sound of machines beeping, a pulse that could not be heard, white lights illuminating the nonetheless, dark room. The clicking sound of shoes making contact with the floor, slowly inching closer and closer. [b]"Doctor, we just got the test results and it's just as you said,"[/b] the assistant told the bespectacled man standing beside the bed while giving him two sheets of paper. [b]"Yes. This is good. This is really good,"[/b] the man exclaimed and turned his attention towards the bed. [b]"Hehehe... Well, my boy. You are indeed the one. I'm going to have such a good t-[/b][/i] [color=skyblue][b]-IME.[/b][/color] Zzzt. The eternano current traveled through his body, shocking him awake. [color=skyblue][b]"Master! It's almost noon! It's about time you woke up!"[/b][/color] Mio yelled, although no one but Nigel could hear her. He sat up on his bed and opened the command console. [color=8B008B][b]"Ugh..Mio..I've told you countless times to not wake me up so roughly,"[/b][/color] Nigel told her in response while rubbing the back of his head. [color=8B008B][b]"And I think we've already had a little talk about your ...careless use of eternano, just like you did now..." [/b][/color] [color=skyblue][b]"But Masteeeer, it was [i]you[/i] that programmed me that way so that I would make sure that you did not oversleep after staying awake for so long, experimenting,"[/b][/color] Mio said and pouted. [color=8B008B][b][i]"She does have a point there...[/i] Ugh, whatever am I going to do with you?"[/b][/color] Nigel said and laughed, inciting another jolt of eternano from Mio. [color=8B008B][b]"Hey! Why'd you do that for?"[/b][/color] he said jokingly. [color=skyblue][b]"Hmph!"[/b][/color] Mio turned her back and closed the console. Chuckling, Nigel got out of bed and headed towards the bathroom. [color=8B008B][i]"Ah, a nice, cold shower first thing in the morning is the best..."[/i][/color] he thought as he entered the shower, closing the door behind him. He let the water fall on his back for a while, trying to stave off the remaining of his sleepiness. [color=8B008B][i]"I had the same dream again... how many times does this make it? Ugh..."[/i][/color] Nigel rubbed his temples and proceeded to finish with his morning routine before putting on some clothes and heading downstairs to make some breakfast, well, breakfast for him at least. For most people, it would probably be time for lunch but Nigel didn't really care about that so much. [color=8B008B][b]"Miooooo![/b][/color] Nigel called whilst sipping on his coffee. [color=8B008B][b]"Miiiiooooo!"[/b][/color] The console suddenly opened once again, [color=skyblue][b]"WHAT!?"[/b][/color] [color=8B008B][b]"Hehe, why are you angry? It was only a joke. Okay, sorry. There. Are you happy now?"[/b][/color] he told her but she was unrelenting. [color=skyblue][b]"I am not a kid! I am a perfectly grown up artificial intelligence! Oh, but I know what is wrong, though,"[/b][/color] Mio snickered. [color=skyblue][b]"You're just jealous that you can't be like that fire mage we met the other day. Oh, how good must it feel to be able to change the properties of eternano. Aww, It's really regrettable that you can't do that, Master,"[/b][/color] she told him with mock pity. Coffee flew out of Nigel's mouth once he heard her mention the fire mage. [color=8B008B][b]"No I am not! Who is jealous? Certainly not me! Why you, it's probably time I really took a better look at your behavioral patterns. That ought to give you a lesson..."[/b][/color] he said while sponging the spilled coffee from the table with a cloth. [color=8B008B][b]"Anyway, It's about time we went over to the guild,"[/b][/color] Nigel said and, after finishing his coffee, grabbed his coat and exited his apartment. [hr] The walk to the guild was like every other time, quiet and uneventful. [color=8B008B][i]"Pff, sometimes I think that It's too peaceful... It's too good to be true, really..."[/i][/color] Nigel sighed reached for the guild hall's doors. [color=8B008B][b]"Hey everyone!"[/b][/color] Nigel called, making his presence known to his fellow guildmates, and walked towards the bar. He sat down on one of the stools and grabbed one of the many small inventions of his that he carried around with him whenever he left his house. Hey, a man had to occupy his time somehow. It seemed there weren't any jobs available and usually, if that was the case, his inventions took up most of his time - albeit, that happened even when there were jobs that he could take.