A short time after Silas started walking on the treadmill a pair of guys walked in, one of them immediately grabbing a basketball. Not even a minute after them, a girl came in in time to see the former practice his powers. Then she spoke to him, that was odd, only one person had his name that he knew of, and she expressed doing something to the one she called arrogant. He was about to say no and qask how she knew his name when the boy came up and apologized before introducing himself as James. The number of people was getting uncomfortable for him, especially since James had a criminal record apparently. Just as he was about get off and get away to do something else, the only way off ended up being blocked by a third one. They may not have meant to do it, but it didn't make him feel any better. Then the woman named Roberta entered and he thanked himself. The RMP had told him to sign up for personal training as a way to recover, and that he would sign him up if Silas didn't. So in the back of his mind he hoped he was the only one to have signed up. "Excuse me," he said as he got off, lightly pushed through the trio, and started making his way over.