[center][URL=http://s362.photobucket.com/user/NMShape/media/cooltext140029515708796_zps0ubkbafo.png.html][IMG]http://i362.photobucket.com/albums/oo63/NMShape/cooltext140029515708796_zps0ubkbafo.png[/IMG][/URL][/center] For Joren Kel and the rest of the crew of the Dreams, it felt like they had been drifting in the void for ages. Although they had only been off of the Smuggler’s Moon for a few hours, it seemed much longer than that. Joren sat behind Kelsa on one of the lounge sofas which adorned the luxury ship with his arms around her as she just stared out of the transparisteel view port into the endlessness of space. It had been a long time since Joren had been off of the moon, and though he should feel liberated, he felt anything but. Instead, he found himself trying to console Kelsa; who, because of his actions had just lost everything. Her home, and the only family that she had left. Guilt rocked Joren to his core. He kept questioning his actions of the last several days. He tried to think of anything that he could have done differently which could have avoided the consequences that he brought down on one of his closest friends. He knew that he could have played ball with Kenso, and that by doing so he might have saved the one person in the entire galaxy that he wanted to protect more than any other such pain. Kelsa let out an involuntary shudder and began to sob again, and Joren squeezed her tightly, while at the same time using the Force to project a soothing influence over her. He had caused her so much pain, and he felt that it was his responsibility to do whatever he could to offer her some relief, even if it were only a temporary respite. As Joren did all he could to give Kelsa some comfort in the face of her loss, he could hear Dono and Nyna at the controls of the Dreams, debating their next move. “My uncle has a farm just outside of Keldabe. We should go there for a little while, that way we can figure out our next move.” Dono told her. “No, I’m not going to spend the foreseeable future shoveling poodoo. It’s not going to happen. Look, I have some family on Naboo, maybe we can go there and hide out for awhile.” Nyna countered. “Not going to happen. There’s no way we’re going to Naboo.” Dono scolded. “Why not?” Nyna asked, lightly offended. “Gungans. The place is crawling with them. I can’t stand the things.” Dono offered. As Dono and Nyna went through their nearly daily ritual of disagreeing over everything, Joren felt something. It was as if something was calling to him from the vastness of space, beckoning for him to heed its call. At first, he ignored it. However, with every moment that passed, the calling came louder and louder in his head, almost until he couldn’t resist it any further. He knew where they had to go. So finally he looked away from the window and to his friends at the controls and spoke up. “Tatooine.” He said just loud enough for his friends to hear him. “Vod’ika?” Dono asked, having not quite heard what Joren had said. “Tatooine. We’re going to Tatooine.” He said, more of an order than a suggestion. Dono and Nyna exchanged puzzled looks with one another, but neither of them raised any objections. Though Tatooine wouldn’t be the first choice that either would have made, it was just as good of a suggestion as was being offered, and they both knew that the Kaths would never look for them there. So after a moment of silent contemplation, Nyna entered the coordinates into the navicomputer, and then powered up the hyperdrive. Within moments, the stars became lines as the Dreams made the jump to hyperspace.