First Alex thought she was merely spoiled. An entitled brat who had to learn her place. And he sincerely hoped he did just that. But apparently it had no effect. Not even the little nicety of bringing her a muffin didn't seem to help. Once she threatened everyone in the room, Alex got even more serious about her. He had little to no control over his own ability. He also didn't know what she could do. So many powers were so different. Should he dare to infuriate her? But then he realized it wouldn't matter. He could play servant for her here, but someone else, somewhere else might not. She was a ticking time bomb. "Look around girl. Do you think you would have to dine with your own servants?" he asked calm. Hoping a reality check would help. It could easily blow in his face though. "Do we look like we are dressed to be servants? I hate to say this but we are not servants. We are kids. With powers. Just like you. And just like you, we were put here against our will. Now I reckon you come from a wealthy place. You probably had a lot of servants giving you everything you wish. But those servants aren't in here. And nobody here is paid to serve you. So nobody will. I'm sorry that you have to hear this but that's the truth. You have no servants here because nobody is paid to serve you." His voice wasn't firm or harsh, but sweet and calm.