[b][u][color=82ca9d]Bang Constantine - Intro[/color][/u][/b] [i]He remembered all the events that led up to him joining the school known as Hybrid Academy. "We're going to Japan!" His mother had told him on a perfect Goldilocks day in Virginia. "Isn't that exciting, Bang?" "I'm excited!" "I wasn't talking to you, honey." The phrase "We're going to Japan!" was interesting because much of his friends talked about interesting things about the interesting place in the most interesting of times. He remembered one of his best friends saying something about how there were plenty of surprises such as wide-eyed Japanese women with porcelain skin, top-quality figurines, and even maid cafes. Bang had listened to his words intently, not knowing a single thing as to what his friend was saying, but still, he listened. But he did not expect to see the entire population of Japan have a bunch of women with porcelain skin holding top-quality figurines inside maid cafes. That sounded stupid even to him. Realistically, the population of Japan would have a good balance between men and women since it was a country like any other. The day after his mother's announcement, yet again she announced, "We're going to Japan!" Bang did not know what to make of his mother's excitement for Japan. On one hand, she did seem like she had friends overseas, but on the other hand, the fact that she kept announcing "We're going to Japan!" over and over again like an alarm clock made Bang doubt the legitimacy of her state of mind. But his family seemed happy, so Bang kept quiet about it. He personally felt excitement only because of the idea of travelling in a completely new country other than the United States of America. Or Europe. He had no idea why they visited Europe so much. On another day, his mother announced again, "We're going to Japan!" But this time, she had a luggage present with her. Bang knew that she intended on going somewhere. Was it Japan? Who could possibly know? Bang thought over this and decided to pack his own belongings. Boxing gloves, some comfortable clothes, some family pictures and several bucks just for the heck of it. He needed Abe Lincoln to watch over him. A few days after he arrived in Japan, he knocked one of the most highly appraised boxers out within a single hit.[/i] [hr] Bang did not know how that led up to him joining Hybrid Academy, but the thought of his parents wanting to find a good school for him was pretty good. So he just went with the flow of things and accepted his fate. His parents would visit Japan once in a while, and he would live by himself. Since his parents had a considerable amount of money stashed in who-knows-where, he was allowed to spend a lot of money, but he personally found no use for it. So instead, he bought a cheap bike and pedaled down to his school. Donning the school uniform of Hybrid Academy, Bang pedaled. A bit too quickly. Apparently, the notion of pedaling a bike looked more like an exercise in Bang's eyes. As a boxer, he only used bicycles back in America to exercise for an enhanced boxing prowess. Simple exercises were one of his ultimate weapons. Of course, he did not think about deserting the idea of exercising with a bicycle. As he flew down the streets, he felt something hard attack his bicycle's front wheel. [i][color=82ca9d]Ah.[/color][/i] A second later, he found himself soaring across the skies. Still sitting on his seat, the boxer blinked as he watched the world soar vertically. As he descended, the bicycle landed on its two wheels and bounced in the air. Bang continued to pedal, wondering what just happened. He approached the school at a fast pace.