Alex knelt down and examined the hybrid in the trap. Since finding the Vulpix hybrid the rest of the traps were either empty or had captured regular Pokémon. According to the Scientist: when a hybrid is trapped in the cage; the cage forces them to change into their hybrid form. Alex didn’t really understand or care what the cages did. As long as it helped him get his money, he truly didn’t care. This time the cage had trapped a rather pretty good hybrid. Alex knew a Dratini hybrid would probably get him a pretty penny if he haggled with Team Galaku. The hybrid was already crying out for help and it seemed to cry out to Alex. Dumb thing doesn’t realize I’m the one that put the trap out here. Alex thought Alex’s attention was diverted to a Persian that had run up and planed itself in front of him. He didn’t know if this was another hybrid in Pokémon form so he typed a few things into the keyboard onto of the cage. A light scanned the Persian before a female voice said from the cage, “Not a Ginjinka” Alex shrugged and typed something else into the keyboard and the cage shrunk just as a women came up and picked up the Persian. Alex placed the cage into his pocket and checked his watch. “I don’t have time for children and their kittens. I have to meet Team Galaku soon,” Alex said before he headed towards the meeting place. A smile formed on Alex’s face, “With these two Hybrids I’ll make a good profit. Especially with the Dratini. That one will make me rich.”