[hider=Ourl Dalash Character Sheet][center][color=green][h1] Ourl Dalash[/h1] [img]http://www.legacyofkreya.com/upload/Goblin_Merchant_05a%20small.JPG[/img] [b]Gender[/b]:[/color] Male [color=green][b]Race[/b]:[/color] Goblin [color=green][b]Age[/b]:[/color] 32 [color=green][b]Profession[/b]:[/color] Fence [color=green][b]Gang[/b]:[/color] The Crowned Killers [color=green][b]Personality[/b]:[/color] Ourl is a manipulator. He doesn't have much empathy for others, only for profit. He is not ambitious socially, but he is always trying to make himself a fortune. He is a wheeler dealer, constantly buying and selling everything he thinks might turn him a profit. Without a strong moral code, the goblin isn't above exaggerating (lying) about his wares, convincing (blackmailing/torturing) people to agree with him, or outcompeting (violently eliminating) his opposition. Ourl is a bit cruel and sadistic, using others to ensure his own position. Despite his other moral failings, Ourl has a strong attachment to animals. He always looks to protect animals from the [i]evil[/i] races, never permitting one to be harmed in front of him. He is a hardline vegan, refusing to eat anything that takes away from any animal's well being. For this reason, Ourl tends to eat away from the meadhall, for the smell of cooking meat and the site of [i]barbarians[/i] chewing on slaughtered flesh makes him sick to his stomach. [color=green][b]Combat Proficiency[/b]:[/color] -Blow Dart Marksman: Ourl is not especially strong, but he also isn't one to shy away from a fight. He will stand behind any sort of cover – walls, tables, his comrades – and pick his shots carefully. He is fairly accurate, but most importantly, always makes sure that his darts are fully supplied and without blemish. Often, his darts will be coated with various poisons with a variety of effects – paralysis, heart-stopping, rage-inducing. [color=green][b]Combat Weaknesses[/b]:[/color] Ourl's entire advantage comes, not from his own abilities, but from the fact that he always stacks the odds in his favor. He plans every encounter ahead of time, and is supremely confident in his ideas. Because of this arrogance, the goblin is prone to being surprised after underestimating his opponents. Whenever he is caught off his guard, he is immediately forced to scramble, for a deep panic sets in whenever he is forced to deviate from his plans or think on the fly. [color=green][b]Skills[/b]:[/color] -Salesman: Ourl is nearly always able to convince his customers of the value of his goods. -Interrogator: Ourl is cruel and sadistic; he knows exactly how to [i]convince[/i] people to agree with his best wishes. [color=green][b]Equipment[/b]:[/color] -Blow Gun and a few score darts -Various poisons, oils, and potions -A large sack strapped to his back with whatever he is currently selling [/center][/hider]