We got enough room for another wizard lizard? Also, I know the magic my character has might be a bit/waaay too much so if its a no-go tell me and ill get to making something new ASAP! [hider=Alistair Mediean] [b]Magician[/b] [hider=Nerdiest Wizard Alive][img]https://40.media.tumblr.com/160df5aa387961d2e0c0b659b0de3dfd/tumblr_moaucdijAk1r1f3lfo6_1280.jpg[/img][/hider] [b]Name:[/b] Alistair Mediean [b]Magic Name:[/b] Opponens808 [i] Who has two-faced fates [/i] [b]Position:[/b] N/A [b]Faction:[/b] N/A [b]Seat Number:[/b] 6 [b]Nationality:[/b] American [b]Age:[/b] 16 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Blood Type:[/b] AB+ [b]Biography:[/b] Now, Alistair's backstory is not too long or difficult to summarize. His childhood and early life were average at worst, his family is quite wealthy and more often then not Ol' Ali would live his life in luxury. He didn't have many close friends, but he had enough hobbies and toys to keep him occupied and distracted from any form of loneliness he would feel. Plus, those friends who he did have he actually got along with quite well. Anyhow, when he was around 12 years old, Alistair was introduced to magic in perhaps the least fun way possible. His father had taken him to a museum while travelling in Britain, and while there they came upon an exhibit of old artifacts found in Mesopotamia. The 'Dup Shimati' or the Tablets of Destinies. Alistair had gotten too close to them and had set off an alarm, security had come in to see what had happened and all-in-all it was a pretty embarrassing situation. However, during this time Alistair had gotten even closer to the tablets and thats when things started to get a little wacky. The tablets levitated in midair, and all non-organic material near them began to dissipate and disappear. Meanwhile, sand started to fall from the ceiling and the panic kicked in. No one ended up getting hurt though, due to the intervention of a conveniently placed old priest. The priest quickly stopped the magic reactions, pulled Alistair out of there, and tried to explain everything he could too him. Telling him he is one of those who resonates with the Dup Shimati, and should take up the mantle of 'Marduk' learn to use them and keep the peace. Now, Alistair thought most of what the priest was saying was complete bologna. However, the part about magic and learning to use it sounded quite awesome to Alistair, so he accepted the priests tutelage. A couple years have passed since then and both because of his own interests and the priests advice, Alistair was able to become a member of the Hybrid academy. Through some ingenuity and luck, he has managed to create a more 'modern' magic that allows him to draw upon the powers of the stones without them needing to even be in the same country as him. He also managed to learn enough japanese to attend the classes without much difficulty. [b]Personality:[/b] Alistair is courageous; some would say unnecessarily so. He never backs down from a challenge, and he will try to complete an objective until he can't feasibly try anymore. Alistair is a decent guy at heart, but also is quite greedy when he can afford to be. His love of food and trinkets is also nothing to be scoffed at, he is a [i] fashion master [/i]. He also has the bad habit of eavesdropping on others and taking mental notes on others. [b]Likes: [/b] -Accessories -Sub-sandwiches -Techno Music and most of its sub-genres -History Classes [b]Dislikes:[/b] -School Uniforms -Rice in any of its forms -Country Music -Mathematics [b]Skills:[/b] Alistair is a decent repairman and can fix most simple tools with relative ease. Alistair also has a great memory, and is a fast learner. His body is slightly better then average, but compared to most combatants he might as well be the average joe. [Hider=WRITER'S THOUGHTS]OOC RAMBLING - OK IM SORRY IF THIS SHIT IS A LITTLE UNORTHODOX OR CONFUSING BUT I THOUGHT IT'D BE COOL SO JUST HEAR ME OUT AND READ IT ALL BEFORE SHUTTING ME DOWN. After you read it all ,if u still think its bullshittery tell me and I will have no qualms against editing it or just making something entirely different.[/hider] [hider=Magic Shenanigans][b]Magic:[/b]The Tablets of Destinies are mentioned in Mesopotamian mythology as a set of clay tablets which hold the power of creation and destruction. Alistair uses their power through a special program embedded on some of his [url=http://i.kinja-img.com/gawker-media/image/upload/s--Pb4y3hXC--/18mnadxynenljjpg.jpg]flip[/url]-[url=http://i.kinja-img.com/gawker-media/image/upload/s--WLSjERe7--/18mnadxyh42xkjpg.jpg]phones[/url]. And instead of using mana, Alistair is instead limited by his battery life. [b]Spell 'List':[/b] Alistairs greatest asset is his ability to cast an enormous amount of simple spells. Power in Versatility. However each spell has a couple of caveats that it must meet so that he can cast it... -The Spell must originate from either above or below the target. That, or it originates from where Alistair stands. -Is limited to 'low' power spells. For example he can create: a single bolt of electricity, a fireball, or a single ice-spike. [b]Utility and limits:[/b] As stated earlier, each spell costs battery life instead of mana. An average attack spell can costs 6-7% of his battery life, and he can cast spells at up to three targets per 'action'. Now, his phone can also cast spells that help heal/fix people and items, at costs of battery percentages reaching 11%. Due to his phone's magical functions, it can also feed off of Alistairs natural mana to recover battery, but it can only recover 10% of its battery per post, and only if no spells are cast during this time. It can reach 15% recharge rate if he doesn't attack for multiple turns. [b]Overcharge:[/b] Alistair can also over-charge spells on his phone by doubling the battery cost for each spell. So fireballs can become more devastating but can cost 12-14% of his battery life per cast. He can compound this effect to where it could reach up to 90% of his battery.[s] But who in their right mind would use 90% of their phone batter to text someone idfk[/s] [b]Noncombative:[/b] Things such as creating small flames, a strong breeze, and other effects can cost his phone around 2-3% per spell [b]Actual List:[/b] Ignis- Produces a flame from the area around Alistair. Depending on the Battery% put into it, it can range from a small flame protruding from Alistair's palm to a massive fireball. Glacies - Creates Ice. Depending on % it can range from freezing a small item to large ice-spikes rupturing from the ground. Terra - Manipulates Earth. Can alter/throw terrain. Low % attacks can be high-velocity rocks being thrown about, while higher level casts can be large boulders being thrown from areas around where Alistair stands. Fulgur - Electricity manipulation. Can go from small sparks to a powerful lightning bolt. Aeris - Wind Alteration. Can range from a strong breeze to mini-storms. Sana - 'Heal'. Can range from fixing cuts to mending broken bones. [/hider] [b]Theme Song(s):[/b] [url=https://youtu.be/vxLbI80RdYs] Tfw your character steps up to the plate and everything is awesome [/url] [b]Extras:[/b]Even if Alistair learns to use the Dup Shimati to their utmost potential, they are still much, much, much less powerful then the legends described them as. Despite his love of accessories and trinkets, he never adds any to the phones he uses to utilize the Dup Shimati. He only carries one phone on a regular basis, and maybe a second only if he [i]knows[/i] the day is going to be a pain. Although the artifact is Mesopotamian, the language used in the phone's coding is latin. [/hider] So yeah, I know my guy is a bit dumb and if you don't like him, I don't mind doing something much simpler or more orthodox. Thanks for your consideration and sorry if i wasted your time 8D