He had seen many gods in his lifetime, nearly all of them, but none could even come close to the presence Brahma had. Cynbel couldn't really even explain what it was about Brahma, though it probably had to do with the multiple arms, 4 heads, 3 of which spoke ancient hymns in a language Cynbel didn't understand, and how emotionless he always seemed to be. Out of all the people Cynbel could have been partnered with, he was happy it was Brahma. He was pretty quiet, easy to work with, and was always willing to help you out if you need it. Brahma was much better than the majority of the "others". Speaking of the "others", 3 more walked into the room. Ronin and Mei did nothing but annoy Cynbel, but Anatole wasn't that bad. He just did his own thing. "Cythlla, this isn't about being 'lap dogs'. If I am a simple errand boy, then I am a simple errand boy. Somebody has to do it, that is how it will always be. Even if you're Queen, someone will be stuck with running errands, and doing things they'd rather not. It is a cycle, one that will never end. I'm not going to preach and claim that I'm a better person than you, nor am I going to act is if you're some kind of 'evil' entity that only wants to create a river of blood. I get your motives, and to an extent I agree, but that doesn't mean you get to go free. You broke the rules, and now you must be punished for it." He wasn't going to act as if he was some kind of saint. All of them were flawed, and all could commit terrible, unspeakable acts. Playing the "Who is better" game was petty, and did nothing more than make them feel better about themselves. The rest might act as if they're morally correct, but Cynbel knew each one could do something horrible to move their agenda. Cynbel did find what Ronin said about Loki fairly comical. He knew his legends, and he knew that Loki could never love anything other than himself, but if it made Ronin feel better about herself, she could live in her delusions. " I agree Anatole, but only two of us are needed. Let me and Brahma handle her, the rest of you leave, and do as you normally do."