The leader of the scouting formation swings his leg over the bike and crunches through the sharp gravel. With every step he is reminded of the mauled scars that ravage his body. Surviving a crash in this terrain is almost worse than death, as the hungry surface was quite adept at stripping unfortunate stumblers of flesh. Shaking off the unpleasant memories, he sighs and looks around. Communicating through his advanced holographic display within his helmet- "See anything? Better safe than sorry." His second in command cuts off his engine and responds. "Negative. We haven't made it to the crash site yet, sir. As always." Surprisingly, their ring leader has extremely poor directional abilities. Even so, his combined paranoia and extreme amounts of luck end up giving their team the highest hit stats and most valuable intelligence officers. He's truly an enigma, that no one questions. The leader speculates aloud. "Hm... This could be another instance like Commander Selah-" "ACHOO-......." "Did you hear... what I think I heard?" The taller of the four, and leader, turns toward the direction of the sneeze. He watches the dust swirl about and begin to settle behind a large black stone. He motions for his group to fall quiet and aims his gun loosely, slowly crunching to the side of the boulder. Two of the other armored men do the same toward the opposing side. He motions for them to hold their position and takes a deep breath, calmly accepting the small amounts of adrenaline his body is barely capable to produce. "Reveal yourself, we've surrounded you. Please don't make this hard, any commotion will alert the Enemy to our position. We all live, or none of us do." He keeps his gun trained on a possible exit, but his finger off the trigger. [i]Well here I am again. Nose to nose with some freak show that spiraled into the middle of our quad, without invitation. At least they didn't crash into our base. Not again. Maybe it won't be a hostile... but I'm not going to take any chances...[/i] The scars upon his back and throat tell a story of broken trust and missions gone awry. But not this time. Not this time.