Once the city’s defenses had been breached, chaos took its reign amongst the Black Talon ranks, dozens of armed mercenaries with bloodshed and pillage on their minds spilling down the streets. Funneled between the cramped and crowded buildings, their formations broke down into small warbands, which the command frantically struggled to control, as their disorderly ranks fiercely clashed with the remaining Silver Shields, resulting in needless casualties on both sides rather than any tactical gain. Both sides fought to the last breath – one protecting what they had sworn to keep safe, and the other sating their craving for riches and taking out the pent up rage after several weeks of ceaseless siege. Xoni was no longer safe, and where the lines of the Silver shields had broken down, blood boiled in the ditches next to burning carcasses of buildings; where they still held, the air was filled with the roar of battle and a fresh scent of death. It was a miracle that amidst this utter mayhem, Gernev and his two comrades had managed to get this far - but it seemed that they were the only ones yet with such luck. However, he had his hopes up high: as they neared the Prince's palace, the resistance became progressively weaker, meaning that they had left the main enemy forces behind, and that could mean that the palace itself had to be left lightly guarded, in favor of a decisive response to the Black Talon's rampage; so they decided to take the risk. Instead of waiting for reinforcements, Gernev, together with his comrade Kirian, bashed down the main gates, while their archer, Phia, stood on guard. They gave in after just a few mighty heaves from the two; whoever built them clearly never had the thought that somebody would try to open them by force. "Nice," - said the Orc, with a grim smile underneath his bevor, - "Lets go get them." Heading down the bridge, he drew both of his weapons, mace in left, sword in right, and glanced behind himself, where both his comrades were following. Gernev felt a sort of maniacal drive building up deep in his heart, dead set on his mission to kill the Prince, with a yearning to make it a goal accomplished; and the stronger this urge was, the more worried he became with a single question - will they make it? Some ten yards away from the coach, he gestured them to stop. "They maybe taken cover behind this coach. Phia, you stay behind, me and Kirian will go see if it is true. Is that good?" - he said, in somewhat clumsy Commonspeak. In the end, he had decided to ease in and investigate first, perhaps opting to retreat if met by too strong of an opposition and wait for somebody else to reach the palace; that way, they'd have a much better chance of getting to their target - the Prince, who was the sole reason for Gernev joining this campaign. For reasons of his own, the Orc felt it was his duty to kill him.