Robyn just tagged along as Roberta did her tour of the gym. Or well, it wasn't much of a tour since as soon as they stepped in, one of the other attendants (Robyn wasn't sure what to call them) had unleashed his powers one way or another, Robyn couldn't keep track of what happened. Roberta was slammed to the ground due to some gravity thing that Robyn had no idea about, and she was shocked. She hurried to help Roberta up. [i]"W-what's going on?"[/i] she says looking around. Roberta didn't really seem to need her help, but Robyn had no one else to cling to so she stuck close. In the aftermath, there was a bunch of broken equipment and an unconcious James (although Robyn didn't know his name). Roberta yells into the gym with a volume Robyn didn't think possible. Robyn was stunned. She hadn't seen it coming. Everyone had reacted, and Robyn had stood there. Was this the destructive power of what most about everyone here could do? The electrical equippment was fried. Chaos. Roberta was standing there, waiting for a response from everyone, and Robyn realized she would have to do something. [i]"I-I'll stay and help!"[/i] she said. [i]"Just tell me what you need and I'll do what I can!"[/i] She was nervous, but in a way eager to help out. She had made a new friend, and she was gonna help her out!