[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/CyYjvrD.png[/img] [h3][color=#B80000][b] I S S H U M.[/b][/color][/h3][/center][hr] Isshum had his arms folded lazily behind his head as he walked into the laboratory. A mess of items were piled in the middle, foreign constructs that seemed far too fragile for him to handle. He was beginning to re-think his offer to help. If he broke anything, it was possible that Mrs. Alice—the kind, motherly woman that he had just met—might turn scary. He glanced upward and grin awkwardly at the thought. [color=#B80000][b] “I[/b] heard mothers could be super scary sometimes. I sorta wonder what’s that like.”[/color] he thought aloud. The Dragon Slayer returned to Alice and another greeting each other. Though it was obvious that man held a great deal of respect for her. That was what he had wanted all his life, just for someone to respect him. Being alive, for the longest time at least, had seemed like a curse on others. His own village had looked upon him with nothing but fear and disgust. He still wonders why. His sadden lips pursed though his eyes held a maintained unease as he delved in and out of his past. Whenever he melded with others, a large group mostly, he always picked out small things that he was missing out of his childhood. A love family. A mother that would do anything and everything to show love. A father … that actually cared that he lived. Alice’s voice wafted between his thoughts, ushering him back to his duties. Isshum’s face changed like a flipped switched. He became that innocent youth who dreamed of becoming a Hero as he squatted near the items and toyed with them. Specifically, he pulled a beaker with a red lid out of a box, twirling the molten red liquid inside. [color=#B80000][i][b] “T[/b]his?[/i] This is poisonous?”[/color] he asked rather quickly. He took a whiff of the glass tube. [color=#B80000][b] “I[/b]t certainly smells foul. A mixture of metal, hot rock, and … something I can’t quite pin-point. Oh, well,”[/color] he mumbled to himself as he placed it back and picked up the container. He was on his way to putting it up when a sharp gasp cut the air. Isshum ears were stabbed but he couldn’t deny the slight sound of distressed that lined the sound. He placed the box on a conveniently close counter before hurrying over to Alice. [color=#B80000][b] “Y[/b]ou alright?”[/color] he asked as she stared into a photo, mesmerized to the point of becoming emotional. Silently, he took in every moment the mother and son shared. Seeing it, for whatever reason made his heart palpitate. He gripped it with a veiny hand, though that was impossible to see behind the black bandages lining his entire arm. His face scrunched up in a teary respite from his confusion. [color=#B80000][i][b] I-[/b]I hate this feeling. It feels like somethings about to break inside of me. Like a tree’s about to fall in a lonely forest.[/i][/color] He lowered his head, hiding the fiery glow of the tattoo around his left eye. It burned furiously, causing Isshum to grip the leather of his shirt even more. A pulse thumped from within him, a powerful impulse that sent weak embers into the air from off his skin. The firelight quickly died away. A burning unlike anything cut deep into the tattoo of his face as another impulse burst from his chest. He cried out in pain before falling to his knees and holding his heart desperately; he felt as if the organ was going to leap out his muscle and skin. Another wave of embers erupted from him, this one stronger and hotter but not quite dangerous; though Alice would probably notice the heat was escalating far faster than the fire show. Before his daze, pain-filled eyes, Isshum could see a pale hand reach out of warped space, an arm piercing reality before gripping his face. The palm was smooth, featureless, but its strength was unlike anything he’s ever seen. A porcelain bracelet laid on the thick wrist as it applied pressure. An icy voice, soft but masculine spoke in the midst of Isshum’s agony. [b] “B[/b]e still demon.” It compelled Isshum, wiped away his current memories and sent him sprawling onto the floor. He faded into darkness, the heat of his skin was so cold that one would think he was a corpse. After it did, the arm slid back into the warp hole, the space that it came from returning to normal. [@Leslie Hall]