Monica’s smile widened slightly when he said she got his name right, just glad that it wasn’t some other J name. She didn’t look like a fool her first time actually trying to be social to someone other than the guy at the lounge in weeks. “My morning has been pretty well actually. It helps that it’s really pretty outside today. How has your morning been so far?” She asked starting to relax a little as she talked and ate, it also helped that Jack didn’t seem really bothered by her sitting with him. If anything he seemed happy to be talking to her. Honestly she hadn’t talked him very much before, always feeling a little intimated by him for a reason she really wasn’t sure of. Maybe it was just because of how friendly and talkative he seemed whenever she saw him, it seemed like he was the totally opposite of her. It wasn’t that Monica didn’t want to be one of those friendly types of people who could talk to everyone like it took no effort. She just wasn't that type of person, if anything she was that awkward girl that had a habit of saying things that made people look at her weird. So she would rather keep to herself for the most part. Monica looked up at him as he stated the obvious, before looking around the room. "Yeah, it is really uncomfortable with all these people isn't? I mean its nice to know their are so many non normals." She said still looking at the others, before looking back at him. It really was nice to know she wasn't the only one. "But you kind of feel like you say one weird thing and..." She snapped her fingers and spark of flame showing as she did. "...everyone looks at you like your a creep. It's kind of what I thought an actual school would be like. If this was a school you know." She said looking at him for a moment before shifting uncomfortable picking a another piece of bacon, realizing that might have been a weird thing to say and she sighed rolling her eyes at the little spoiled girl. [hr] Emmett ignored the angry tone of Jasmina's greeting knowing that if things got really bad and he had to he could simply teleport away. "No, not really. Just needed some place to sit." He answered still cheerful tone taking a few bites of his toast, not going to let it ruin the good mood he was in so far. Something she really did have a hobbit of doing. It really wasn't his fault that normally he had trouble with staring at her, with the way she dressed. Still he tried to train his eyes away from her, especially when she was in the type of mood she seemed to be. The change of her tone was a bit of surprise and he couldn't help but glance up at her in surprise before training his eyes back on his plate. "I was actually wanting to work on and figure out how to copy myself." Emmett answered his tone still rather surprised about the change, it wasn't normally for her to be nice to him anymore. "I've actually gotten better with my teleporting, I didn't end in yours or anyone else's apartment this morning." He said sounding a little proud of himself before frowning. "Although I did get my foot stuck in the ground already." He added after a moment of thought. Pushing his luck a bit and trying to make small talk with her in the first time in two years. [hr] Zaniel frowned a bit at her answer about the need for sunlight, he didn't found it weird, if anything with her powers it made sense. Still it made him feel badly for picking on her with his shadows. "That is really something you should have told me Persephone, instead of saying I would hurt your plants." He said his voice taking on the annoyed, and protective tone that he sometimes did only with her. He would just have to find some other way to pick on her from now on. Zaniel looked at the plot that she pointed at before looking back at Persephone. He looking her over as she promised to reward him and smirked a little bit. His mind going to the gutter before he could stop himself, but he quickly shook his head clearing the thoughts away, doubting anything would ever happen between the two of them. After all everyone seemed to get along with her, to the point that he disliked some of guys in the home. "What kind of reward are we talking about here?" He asked as he starting walking over to start digging. Zaniel had finished the first row and was starting on another when someone hollered over at the two of them about the garden. He looked up at Kenny with blank look. [i]Why don't you just piss off.[/i] Zaniel thought to himself, but as he opened his mouth to say the words he looked over at Persephone and stopped himself. He at least tried to behave the best he could around Persephone, knowing it always upset her when he was a plain out asshole. "It's going good." He yelled back answering before she could, going back to digging. Still he had a feeling Persephone would go talk to the guy, which meant he would have to as well.