[i]It's winter now, mid-october,the year is 2100. Packs have been hunted and rumors are going around that they aren't seen again. Our story begins with a pair, different wolves on a path that might lead them to salvation in their war-torn world. A Beta who has just lost his pack -barely managing to escape with his life- flees into the unknown, an Alpha with only his mother's words and knowledge from werewolf lore to guide him. Both are headed for a collision, Hunters slowly but methodically tracking down every werewolf to 'imprison'them all and finally win the four year long war between Human and Were. Can both form their own pack? Can they find a way to save not only themselves but those who are still free and fighting in the shadows? Join and you'll see which side will win this war. Human or Werewolf.[/i] [b]◇Do not post if you aren't myself or bird◇[/b] [hider=CS Template] [b] "Quote" Name: Age: Gender: Appearance: Personality: History: Rank within the Pack:[/b] [/hider]