The creature felt the massive weight of its hunter pressing down on it. It tried to scramble, front legs scratching in the grass wildly, but without its pack legs, it gained no traction, no freedom. Both of it maws were screaming in reptilian panic, calling futilely for aid from any of its brethren. Then it felt the powerful jaws grip down at the neck of its left head. It didn't take more than a single shake of the head and a crunch of the jaws to snap the bone and spinal cord therein. The creature slumped to the ground, dead. It was curious. It had two heads, but it seemed if you killed either of them, you killed them both. A couple of the other squires had seen the action, and soon found themselves staring at the gore covered, injured, absolutely terrifying bear reining supreme. They were looking around for a superior officer, to give them orders. A particularly dumb, bulky human moved forward, blade raised and readied, to take down this new threat. In his mind, if he led the squires to slay this beast, they'd be the saviors of the tournament. And if he led them, he'd surely get his Knighthood. It was the perfect plan. Until a large orc fist smashed into his face, knocking the useless squire off his feet and out cold. [color=82ca9d][i][b]"Don't be stupid,"[/b][/i][/color] glaring at the rest of them, [b][i][color=82ca9d]"Any of you."[/color][/i][/b] He was injured, exhausted, but he wasn't going to let glory hounds take down the true hero of this horrid event. This wasn't a situation to be used for personal gain. It was a nightmare that was defeated by a civilian. She made them all look bad, but she deserved it. The orc sheathed his sword and turned toward the bear, knowing that she was injured, likely still in a fury. He kept his distance, and raised his hands, palms out, [color=82ca9d][i][b]"The fight is won, friend. We can fix you up. But we need to have peace."[/b][/i][/color] He really hoped she didn't continue the fight. He'd seen many beings, creature, man, and those inbetween go down either path. If she attacked the squires, she'd take a few with her, but once the remaining proper knights got involved, it would be a slaughter. He really didn't wish for that to happen, it would be a total waste and disgrace. He was looking the bear right in the eyes, knowing better than to encroach on her kill. [color=82ca9d][i][b]"It is done."[/b][/i][/color] The squire grinned and winced in pain, he liked this woman already. Biting through the pain in his side, he jumped and climbed through the portal, tumbling head over heel. The world he was in was stifling, the air heavy with heat and humidity. There was a stench of smoke and sulfur, and the only wind was moving from this world into the next. He saw a wriggling mass ahead of him, roughly waist high. It took him several moments to figure out exactly what it was he was seeing. It was the body of the Screamer, with several, smaller versions of the creatures that had come through. Then he realized where this portal was. It was a nest. That was how the Screamer got the creature here. The man didn't summon the creature, he just opened the portal somewhere likely to attract them. Open it in the middle of a nest, something is likely to get curious, or at least defend its territory. These creatures were just more innocents that got caught up in the horrid plans of the Screamers. Looking all around, he saw nothing else but waste land and volcanic mountains for miles. He saw no other large versions of these creatures. He knew enough about wildlife to know that the odds of these baby creatures of surviving was pretty much zero. It would be a kind mercy to put them down now, so they didn't die slowly of starvation and cannibalism. He still had one kris left, and he pulled it from his booth. He hated that he was about to do this, but it truly seemed to be for the best.