Dimitri drained his mug and went to let Brutus in from the back yard as it seemed everyone was preparing to go about their tasks for the day. He was prepared to call out to Jack, however X seemed to have his own ideas regarding the youngest of the slayer family. Dimitri followed after X and Jack towards the garage, catching up with them in little more than a dozen or so strides, "[b]Not to step in on your bonding time X, but I planned on having Jack ride with me to school today man. We've got something important we need to talk about.[/b]" he stated with a somewhat pointed look at Jack. Dimitri hoped that neither of the two would contest his decision, the last thing he wanted was to have to argue and risk being late to school. Dimitri was no stranger to the world of public education; the orphanage he'd hailed from had an on going program with a few of the schools in their area to ensure that the children could attend and still receive some sort of education prior to being adopted. It had allowed Dimitri to bounce back into the school system just in time for his senior year of high school fairly easily after his adoption into the Blackwell family. Still, the long nights of training and fighting monsters had left little time to actually apply himself with studying and the completion of homework and projects, which had caused his grades to slip a bit more than he would have liked. Suffice to say, Dimitri couldn't risk wasting any time at all if he wanted to graduate.