[color=a187be][h2]Shinjiro Karasawa[/h2][/color] [color=a187be]"Holy shiii[i]i-hi-hi-hit.[/i]"[/color] The grape-flavored hothead bleated in English, with only the obligatory amount of concealment to the awe in his voice. Sailing some ten feet above the crowd, this white dude was on his bike and pedaling like hell itself was after him, even [i]now[/i]! This dude was getting some [i]sick[/i] air! And not to mention... [color=a187be]"He's reppin my new colors!"[/color] Back to Japanese. Oh, he could tell already, he was gonna love this school. Exclusive, secretive, and super state-of-the-art or not, this invitation only school musta been some Cromartie-esque gathering of badasses if [i]he[/i] was going there too. [color=a187be]"RIDE ON, BIKER DUDE!"[/color] he called supportively with a thumbs-up thrust skyward even as the speed demon continued towards the school with as much haste as they could muster. Letting out a boisterous laugh, his eyes quickly picked out the next-most interesting person in the crowd, a shortish girl, wearing a blazer similar to his own in color... One that had a [i]very[/i] distinct hairstyle. Wasn't that one level five... [color=a187be][i]Eh, one way to find out.[/i][/color] [color=a187be]"Hey, Two-Tails-Half-a-Dye-Job! You Hybrid like me and Speed Racer just now?"[/color]