[quote=Zane620] Yu listened to Ryuu's short but good enough explanation on how he knows where they are. "Well that's quite useful, I have to go based off instinct to fight them." Yu said, and when Ryuu then said to make a pincer movement, he nodded and started to move towards the left. He didn't have a reason to not listen to Ryuu, his looks make seems sketchy, but he has been very helpful, despite what other may have thought of him. Yu made sure to look around to seeing if he could spot any Hollows attempting ambush him, and so far he was in the clear. Maybe Ryuu picked the side that would lead to most of them, like he did last time. [/quote] Ryuu walked through the forest slowly and would occasionally flick his sword off to a seemingly random direction but this was just him cutting hollows before they even got close to him "Easy.." Ryuu did indeed find this easy but for some reason he couldn't find this supposedly stronger Hollow...something was off but regardless he would continue to cut through every hollow he could find until he found the one they were tasked to kill. This job seemed somewhat easy for Ryuu but that was just down to the skills he had. As Ryuu walked through the forest he suddenly stopped still and infront of him flew past a massive fist followed by an arm, Ryuu's eyes suddenly glowed then he bite into the hollows arm and ripped out a fair chunk of the flesh from it's arm causing it to scream out and hold it's wound "To loud..." Ryuu slashed up at the hollow and cut it clean in two then he sniffed once more and took a glance over his right shoulder then slowly turned his head to glance over his left shoulder to find he was surrounded by hollows "...Hmpf..."